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Are there any go libraries that provide associative array capability?


I'm looking for a go language capability similar to the "dictionary" in python to facilitate the conversion of some python code.

EDIT: Maps worked quite well for this de-dupe application. I was able to condense 1.3e6 duplicated items down to 2.5e5 unique items using a map with a 16 byte string index in just a few seconds. The map-related code was simple so I've included it below. Worth noting that pre-allocation of map with 1.3e6 elements sped it up by only a few percent:

var m = make(map[string]int, 1300000) // map with initial space for 1.3e6 elements

ct, ok := m[ax_hash]
if ok {
    m[ax_hash] = ct + 1
} else {
    m[ax_hash] = 1