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Are there any free Xml Diff/Merge tools available? [closed]





I have several config files in my .net applications which I would like to merge application settings elements etc.

I was about to begin doing it manually as I usually do, however thought there must be an XML diff GUI tool available somewhere.

The tool would be able to go to the element level to compare and display the differences etc.

However Google gave no substantive free tool results and no hints for anything of value.

Is such a tool available? That is very useful? For free?

Thanks in advance. :)


Here is a bit of clarification of the functionality that would turn my error-prone, tedious manual job into a 1-minute simpler task (and potential to automate):

In KDiff3, you can do a diff/merge of entire directories. There is a hierarchical diff which is very accurate, user-friendly and clear. I was interested in finding a similar solution, however instead of directory hierarchy, an XML element hierarchy.

If there is no such open source software, I am considering creating one on CodePlex to provide this functionality.

like image 932
Russell Avatar asked Dec 09 '09 01:12


People also ask

Can we merge two XML files?

To use this, create a new XSLT file (File > New > XSLT Stylesheet and place in it the stylesheet above. Save the file as "merge. xsl". You should also add the files (or folder) to an Oxygen project (Project view) and create a scenario of the "XML transformation with XSLT" type for one XML file.

How can I compare two XML files online?

Copy and paste, drag and drop a XML file or directly type in the editors above, and then click on "Compare" button they will be compared if the two XML are valids. You can also click on "load XML from URL" button to load your XML data from a URL (Must be https).

1 Answers

Have a look at File comparison tools, from which I am using WinMerge. It has an ability to compare XML documents (you may wish to enable DisplayXMLFiles prefilter for v2.14.0 or PrettifyXML for v2.16.x).

DisplayXMLFiles.dll - This plugin pretty-prints XML files nicely by inserting tabs and line breaks. This is useful for XML files that do not have line returns in convenient locations.

Note for v2.16.x

The plugin PrettifyXML is supplied with the software package. It can be activated as following:

  • Make sure that Plugins → Plugin Settings → Enable plugins is enabled.
  • Then use either File → Recompare As → Prettify XML or Plugins → Scripts → Prettify XML

For those who wish to play with deprecated DisplayXMLFiles, he needs to download e.g. winmerge-2.16.14-full-src.7z and copy Plugins\dlls\X64\DisplayXMLFiles.dll to WinMerge\MergePlugins\.

WinMerge in action

See also my feature comparison table.

like image 128
dma_k Avatar answered Oct 18 '22 08:10
