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Are there any Debugging Patterns? [closed]



I know there are many popular and useful Design Patters.

Are there something like them for debugging scenarios? Maybe not patterns but methodologies which are categorized and that can be used repeatedly for similar cases.

like image 994
pencilCake Avatar asked Nov 18 '09 16:11


People also ask

Why is debugging difficult?

Debugging itself is a very difficult process because of the involvement of humans. Another reason due to which it is considered as difficult because it consumes a large amount of time and resources too.

What are the types of debug?

There are two types of debugging techniques: reactive debugging and preemptive debugging. Most debugging is reactive — a defect is reported in the application or an error occurs, and the developer tries to find the root cause of the error to fix it.

What are the 4 steps to debugging?

Isolate the source of the bug. Identify the cause of the bug. Determine a fix for the bug. Apply the fix and test it.

1 Answers

I'll add one more debugging pattern that seems fairly obvious, but hasn't been said yet:

Reduce the bug to the smallest case possible, and then use that as your unit test for any proposed fix.

like image 164
Broam Avatar answered Sep 22 '22 02:09
