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Are there any better ways to copy a native dll to the bin folder?


I have C# wrapper code that calls functions from a native (C++) dll. Currently, I can add a reference to the C# dll and have set the 'Copy Local' option to true. However the native dll, which is a dependency, cannot be added as a reference - so there is no 'Copy Local' option.

I have tried the following approaches

  1. Using a post-build events to copy the native dll from the Libs folder to the $(TargetFolder)

    copy "$(ProjectDir)Libs\NQuantLibc.dll" "$(TargetDir)NQuantLibc.dll"

  2. Included the native dll as an existing item in the project (Add -> Existing Item -> Include dll). This option allows me to use the 'Copy Local' option. The downside to this approach is that the dll always shows as a project item.

I also tried "Show All Files" which allowed me to see the Libs folder. I then include the NQuantLibc.dll file in the project which allowed me to set the 'Copy Local' option. However, this gave me a unexpected result. It created a Libs subfolder containing the dll within the bin folder (eg bin/debug/Libs/NQuantLibc.dll). Not ideal since the C# dll was not able to properly call the native dll since it was not there.

Both of the above options above work. Are there any better ways to copy a native dll to the bin folder such that the dependency will always be resolved? Alternatively, is there a different approach to this type of scenario?

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Ahmad Avatar asked Oct 05 '10 12:10


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You can open the command prompt by going to the Windows Start menu or by holding Windows Key+R and typing "cmd" in the prompt that appears on screen. Open the folder with the DLL file. Once you find the folder, hold the Shift key and right-click the folder to open the command prompt directly in that folder.

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Native DLL's are usually DLL's containing raw processor directly-executable code (such as that found in the Win32 API's) as opposed to, for example, managed (MSIL) which contain code that is consumed and JIT compiled to native processor instructions by a runtime such as the . NET CLR. In .

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What you have to do is create a folder, within the solution folder for example, and reference the dlls in your projects. Any third-party dll that is in the references of a project will be copied to the bin/Debug or bin/Release folder when the project is compiled.

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1 Answers

Use Project + Add Existing Item and select the DLL. Select the added file in the Solution Explorer window. In the Properties window, change the Copy to Output Directory setting to "Copy if newer".

like image 114
Hans Passant Avatar answered Dec 29 '22 16:12

Hans Passant