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Are React Native macOS menu bar apps possible?

Is there any way to currently create a React Native app that runs in the background within the macOS menu bar?

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Novo Avatar asked May 06 '17 19:05


People also ask

Can React Native be used for macOS?

React Native solves this problem by offering React Native for Windows + macOS framework, enabling developers to build cross-platform desktop applications for Windows and macOS using only a single codebase. This cross-platform development ability provides React Native support for the Windows SDK and the macOS 10.14 SDK.

How do you make a menu React Native?

To create a menu we will use material design library i.e. react-native-paper. Menu contains a list of options that appear temporarily. In our project, we will create a button and on click of that button, menu will appear.

2 Answers

The question is not recent, but I found it searching for this topic and there is a recent relevant update: with the new desktop efforts from Microsoft, this is now feasible, although still tricky.

Credits to ospfranco for the great work.

The only way to do it is by editing your AppDelegate class and initialize the status button label and its popover content with the Root View content from the React Native application. It's also possible to customize its size, appearance and the button at the bar, but only in Swift code.

func applicationDidFinishLaunching(_ aNotification: Notification) {
    let jsCodeLocation: URL

    jsCodeLocation = RCTBundleURLProvider.sharedSettings().jsBundleURL(forBundleRoot: "index", fallbackResource:nil)
    let rootView = RCTRootView(bundleURL: jsCodeLocation, moduleName: "tempomat", initialProperties: nil, launchOptions: nil)
    let rootViewController = NSViewController()
    rootViewController.view = rootView

    popover = NSPopover()

    popover.contentSize = NSSize(width: 700, height: 800)
    popover.animates = true
    popover.behavior = .transient
    popover.contentViewController = rootViewController

    statusBarItem = NSStatusBar.system.statusItem(withLength: CGFloat(60))

    if let button = self.statusBarItem.button {
        button.action = #selector(togglePopover(_:))
      button.title = "Tempomat"



  • React Native MacOS (Microsoft): https://github.com/microsoft/react-native-macos

  • Sample code: https://github.com/ospfranco/react-native-macos-menubar-template

  • Blog post: https://ospfranco.github.io/post/2020/05/23/how-to-make-a-react-native-menu-bar-app-for-mac-os/

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Luís Brito Avatar answered Sep 30 '22 01:09

Luís Brito

As of now, the best way to do this is using the Electron platform.

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Novo Avatar answered Sep 30 '22 00:09
