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Are python project dependencies are still required to be installed after compilation with PyInstaller?

I just started learning Python and I built a simple windows file search application with Python 3. Now I want to compile and convert it to .exe using PyInstaller. Do still all dependencies like imported OS and other built-in Python libraries are required to be installed by .exe version users?

Sorry if I'm not clear enough. Thanks in advance.

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Masood Avatar asked Jan 28 '23 20:01


1 Answers

No, you don't need the original libraries to run the .exe file created with the installer. if you use pyinstaller with –onefile –windowed flags, it will package all of the libraries that are necessary to run your program with that file.

The resulting package will not require any external dependencies to run.

An in-depth explanation can be found here.

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Simas Joneliunas Avatar answered Jan 30 '23 09:01

Simas Joneliunas