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Are Python coroutines actually used in a project?


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Why we use coroutines in Python?

Coroutines are generalizations of subroutines. They are used for cooperative multitasking where a process voluntarily yield (give away) control periodically or when idle in order to enable multiple applications to be run simultaneously.

How are Python coroutines implemented?

Coroutines are implemented with tasks which rely on futures. Our implementation is actually simplified as it bypasses some abstraction layers. You should remember that when looking into Python sources, so you don't get confused!

What is the point of coroutines?

Coroutines are computer program components that generalize subroutines for non-preemptive multitasking, by allowing execution to be suspended and resumed. Coroutines are well-suited for implementing familiar program components such as cooperative tasks, exceptions, event loops, iterators, infinite lists and pipes.

Are generators coroutines?

Coroutines and generators are very different concepts. Generators let you create functions that look like iterators to the consumer. Coroutines are an extension of the concept of traditional functions. A function will hand control back to its caller once through the return statement.

I read this page on coroutines from David Beazley a while ago, and I wondered if any actual Python-based software made use of them ?

How is it coroutines seem like the most unused feature in Python ?