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Are native map, filter, etc. methods optimized to operate on a single intermediary array when possible?

Consider the below snippet, which converts an array of objects to an array of numbers, with negative values filtered out, and then doubled by 2:

var objects = (new Array(400)).fill({
    value: Math.random() * 10 - 5

var positiveObjectValuesDoubled = objects.map(
    item => item.value
    value => value > 0
    value => value * 2

When chained together like this, how many actual Array objects are created in total? 1, or 3? (excluding the initial objects array).

In particular, I'm talking about the intermediary Array objects created by filter, and then by the second map call in the chain: considering these array objects are not explicitly referenced per se, are Javascript runtimes smart enough to optimize where possible in this case, to use the same memory area?

If this cannot be answered with a clear yes-or-no, how could I determine this in various browsers? (to the best of my knowledge, the array constructor can no longer be overridden, so that's not an option)

like image 957
John Weisz Avatar asked Sep 09 '16 08:09

John Weisz

People also ask

How .map or .reduce array methods can be helpful?

The map() method is used to get a modified version of the array or a reduced value using callback functions. map() applies a function to each array element and creates a new array of the returned values.

What is the different between a map and filter function in an array variable?

Map: returns an array of pieces of information from the original array. In the callback function, return the data you wish to be part of the new array. Filter: returns a subset of the original array based on custom criteria.

Which array method is used to iterate on all the array elements and perform some task transformation on them and return the new array?

Map, reduce, and filter are all array methods in JavaScript. Each one will iterate over an array and perform a transformation or computation. Each will return a new array based on the result of the function.

Which is faster map or filter?

map() method works faster or a . reduce() method works faster.

1 Answers

Good commentary so far, here's a summary answer: an engine might optimize for memory usage across chained method calls, but you should never count on an engine to do optimization for you.

As your example of chained methods is evaluated, the engine's memory heap is affected in the same order, step by step (MDN documentation on the event loop). But, how this works can depend on the engine...for some Array.map() might create a new array and garbage collect the old one before the next message executes, it might leave the old one hanging around until the space is needed again, it might change an array in place, whatever. The rabbithole for understanding this is very deep.

Can you test it? Sometimes! jQuery or javascript to find memory usage of page, this Google documentation are good places to start. Or you can just look at speed with something like http://jsperf.com/ which might give you at least an idea of how space-expensive something might be. But you could also use that time doing straightforward optimization in your own code. Probably a better call.

like image 177
Peter Behr Avatar answered Sep 22 '22 10:09

Peter Behr