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Are MongoDB ids guessable?


If you bind an api call to the object's id, could one simply brute force this api to get all objects? If you think of MySQL, this would be totally possible with incremental integer ids. But what about MongoDB? Are the ids guessable? For example, if you know one id, is it easy to guess other (next, previous) ids?


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Elias Avatar asked Jul 20 '12 10:07


People also ask

Are MongoDB IDs predictable?

Mongo ObjectIds are generated in a predictable manner, the 12-byte ObjectId value consists of: a 4-byte value representing the seconds since the Unix epoch, a 3-byte machine identifier, a 2-byte process id, and.

Are MongoDB IDs sequential?

Although MongoDB does not support auto-increment sequence as a default feature like some relational databases, we can still achieve this functionality using a counter collection. The counter collection will have a single document that tracks the current unique identifier value.

Are MongoDB IDs unique?

MongoDB is a NoSQL database that operates with collections and documents. Each document created on MongoDB has a unique object ID property. So when creating a document without entering an ID, the document will be created with an auto-generated ID.

What data type is MongoDB ID?

MongoDB provides an automatic unique identifier for the _id field in the form of an ObjectId data type. datatype is automatically generated as a unique document identifier if no other identifier is provided.

2 Answers

Update Jan 2019: As mentioned in the comments, the information below is true up until version 3.2. Version 3.4+ changed the spec so that machine ID and process ID were merged into a single random 5 byte value instead. That might make it harder to figure out where a document came from, but it also simplifies the generation and reduces the likelihood of collisions.

Original Answer:

+1 for Sergio's answer, in terms of answering whether they could be guessed or not, they are not hashes, they are predictable, so they can be "brute forced" given enough time. The likelihood depends on how the ObjectIDs were generated and how you go about guessing. To explain, first, read the spec here:

Object ID Spec

Let us then break it down piece by piece:

  • TimeStamp - completely predictable as long as you have a general idea of when the data was generated
  • Machine - this is an MD5 hash of one of several options, some of which are more easily determined than others, but highly dependent on the environment
  • PID - again, not a huge number of values here, and could be sleuthed for data generated from a known source
  • Increment - if this is a random number rather than an increment (both are allowed), then it is less predictable

To expand a bit on the sources. ObjectIDs can be generated by:

  • MongoDB itself (but can be migrated, moved, updated)
  • The driver (on any machine that inserts or updates data)
  • Your Application (you can manually insert your own ObjectID if you wish)

So, there are things you can do to make them harder to guess individually, but without a lot of forethought and safeguards, for a normal data set, the ranges of valid ObjectIDs should be fairly easy to work out since they are all prefixed with a timestamp (unless you are manipulating this in some way).

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Adam Comerford Avatar answered Sep 30 '22 12:09

Adam Comerford

Mongo's ObjectId were never meant to be a protection from brute force attack (or any attack, for that matter). They simply offer global uniqueness. You should not assume that some object can't be accessed by a user because this user should not know its id.

For an actual protection of your resources, employ other techniques.

If you defend against an unauthorized access, place some authorization logic in your app (allow access to legitimate users, deny for everyone else).

If you want to hinder dumping all objects, use some kind of rate limiting. Combine with authorization if applicable.

Optional reading: Eric Lippert on GUIDs.

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Sergio Tulentsev Avatar answered Sep 30 '22 11:09

Sergio Tulentsev