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Are Meta Keywords Case Sensitive? [closed]


<meta name="keywords" content="mykeyword, Mykeyword">

the same thing as

<meta name="keywords" content="mykeyword">

Are both keywords considered the same by a web crawler?

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Lloyd Banks Avatar asked Jan 05 '13 22:01

Lloyd Banks

People also ask

Does Google care about meta keywords?

The answer? No. “Our web search (the well-known search at Google.com that hundreds of millions of people use each day) disregards keyword metatags completely. They simply don't have any effect in our search ranking at present.”

Do meta tags need closing?

<meta> HTML Tag This element must not contain any content, and does not need a closing tag.

Are meta keywords bad for SEO?

Nope! Meta keywords are neither good nor bad for SEO because the most popular search engines, such as Google have been ignoring this tag for a long time. As with anything that works in SEO, meta keywords were heavily overused and manipulated to artificially increase rankings, so Google had to put a stop to it.

Are meta keywords still relevant 2020?

Should You Use Meta Keywords in 2020? To put it simply, using meta keywords to improve your search website's search ranking is no longer as important as it once was. Search engines simply don't rely on them anymore. Google and Yahoo ignore them and instead uses other factors to determine search ranking.

1 Answers

They're not case sensitive, but they are useless from an SEO point http://www.mattcutts.com/blog/keywords-meta-tag-in-web-search/

If you search for "People" and "people", you'd get the same results. Word case isn't important in title tags, header tags, or any other tags, so they shouldn't matter in meta tag, either. So for all practical purposes, "people" and "People" is the same word for the crawler.

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rodrigo-silveira Avatar answered Oct 05 '22 12:10
