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Are jsPerf.com Chrome results reliable for node.js Benchmark?

I was wondering what you would think about using jsperf.com Chrome test results as a benchmark for node.js performance since they are both using V8 engine.

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Sonia Avatar asked Feb 15 '12 16:02


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2 Answers

You can use Benchmark.js instead. It's what powers jsPerf and works in Node.js as well.

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John-David Dalton Avatar answered Oct 13 '22 12:10

John-David Dalton

I have created a tool that helps me to fetch and run tests from jsperf.com: https://github.com/OrKoN/jsperf

For example:

jsperf get replace-vs-split-join-vs-replaceall 67
jsperf run replace-vs-split-join-vs-replaceall 67

67 is the revision number here. The result is like this:

enter image description here

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Oleksii Rudenko Avatar answered Oct 13 '22 12:10

Oleksii Rudenko