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Are JavaScript Map Objects Indexed to Optimize map.get? [duplicate]

Behind the scenes, in V8, are JavaScript-Map-object's keys indexed in some manner that optimizes the map.get method? Or does map.get() simply just loop through the entire map until it discovers a key match?

I'm interested in the efficiency of map.get on larger mappings of 500,000+ key/value pairs. I have this many mappings that I'd like to just cache in RAM, instead of querying a database where the keys are already indexed for fast value-retrieval. It seems to me, that querying RAM instead of a database would be faster if the Map object's keys are somehow indexed behind the scenes.


function randomUniqueThing()
   // returns (magically) a unique random: 
   //  string, number, function, array or object.
var objMap = new Map();
var count = 0;
var thing1,thing2;
while(count < 500000)
    thing1 = randomUniqueThing();
    thing2 = randomUniqueThing();
    objMap.set(thing1, thing2);
var lastValue = objMap.get(thing1); // Will getting this last
                                    // thing's value take longer
                                    // than getting other values?
like image 949
Lonnie Best Avatar asked Dec 17 '15 06:12

Lonnie Best

People also ask

Does Map allow duplicate keys JavaScript?

Map Keys. Maps accept any data type as a key, and do not allow duplicate key values.

What are the advantages of using ES6 maps over objects?

Prior to the introduction of Maps in ES6, objects were generally used to hold key-value pairs. Maps have advantages over objects when creating hash maps because: You can use different data types (i.e., primitives, objects, functions) as keys. You can easily get the size of a map through it's size property.

Which is faster Map or object?

However, if you're only using string-based keys and need maximum read performance, then objects might be a better choice. This is because JavaScript engines compile objects down to C++ classes in the background, and the access path for properties is much faster than a function call for Map().

What is the difference between maps and objects in JavaScript?

Few basic differences are as follows: In Object, the data-type of the key-field is restricted to integer, strings, and symbols. Whereas in Map, the key-field can be of any data-type (integer, an array, even an object!) In the Map, the original order of elements is preserved.

1 Answers

Yes, as you would expect from such a data type, a Map does utilize a hash-table under the hood.

Proof by source:

As always, the proof is in the source:

Excerpt from V8 source file src/objects.h class JSMap:

// The JSMap describes EcmaScript Harmony maps
class JSMap : public JSCollection {

  static void Initialize(Handle<JSMap> map, Isolate* isolate);
  static void Clear(Handle<JSMap> map);

  // Dispatched behavior.


As we can see, JSMap extends JSCollection.

Now if we take a look at the declaration for JSCollection:

Excerpt from V8 source file src/objects.h class JSCollection:

class JSCollection : public JSObject {
  // [table]: the backing hash table
  DECL_ACCESSORS(table, Object)

  static const int kTableOffset = JSObject::kHeaderSize;
  static const int kSize = kTableOffset + kPointerSize;


Here we can see that it uses a hash table, with a nice comment to clarify it.

There was some question as to if that hash table refers only to object properties, and not to the get method. As we can from the source code to Map.prototype.get, a hash map is being used.

Excerpt from V8 source file src/js/collection.js MapGet:

function MapGet(key) {
  if (!IS_MAP(this)) {
    throw MakeTypeError(kIncompatibleMethodReceiver,
                        'Map.prototype.get', this);
  var table = %_JSCollectionGetTable(this);
  var numBuckets = ORDERED_HASH_TABLE_BUCKET_COUNT(table);
  var hash = GetExistingHash(key);
  if (IS_UNDEFINED(hash)) return UNDEFINED;
  var entry = MapFindEntry(table, numBuckets, key, hash);
  if (entry === NOT_FOUND) return UNDEFINED;
  return ORDERED_HASH_MAP_VALUE_AT(table, entry, numBuckets);

Excerpt from V8 source file src/js/collection.js MapFindEntry:

function MapFindEntry(table, numBuckets, key, hash) {
  var entry = HashToEntry(table, hash, numBuckets);
  if (entry === NOT_FOUND) return entry;
  var candidate = ORDERED_HASH_MAP_KEY_AT(table, entry, numBuckets);
  if (key === candidate) return entry;
  var keyIsNaN = NumberIsNaN(key);
  while (true) {
    if (keyIsNaN && NumberIsNaN(candidate)) {
      return entry;
    entry = ORDERED_HASH_MAP_CHAIN_AT(table, entry, numBuckets);
    if (entry === NOT_FOUND) return entry;
    candidate = ORDERED_HASH_MAP_KEY_AT(table, entry, numBuckets);
    if (key === candidate) return entry;
  return NOT_FOUND;

Proof by benchmarking:

There is another way to test if it uses a hash map. Make many entries, and test what the longest and shortest lookup times are. Something like this:

'use strict';

let m = new Map();
let a = [];

for (let i = 0; i < 10000000; i++) {
    let o = {};
    m.set(o, i);

let lookupLongest = null;
let lookupShortest = null;

a.forEach(function(item) {
    let dummy;
    let before = Date.now();
    dummy = m.get(item);
    let after = Date.now();
    let diff = after - before;
    if (diff > lookupLongest || lookupLongest === null) {
        lookupLongest = diff;
    if (diff < lookupShortest || lookupShortest === null) {
        lookupShortest = diff;
console.log('Longest Lookup Time:', lookupLongest);
console.log('Shortest Lookup Time:', lookupShortest);

After a few seconds, I get the following output:

$ node test.js
Longest Lookup Time: 1
Shortest Lookup Time: 0

Such close lookup times would certainly not be possible if it where looping though every entry.

like image 95
Alexander O'Mara Avatar answered Oct 06 '22 18:10

Alexander O'Mara