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Are extra $(...) calls bad?

If I have code that pulls down a jQuery object, and then makes some further calls on it

$("a.postSyncLink").click(function () {
    var resultsTarget = $("span", $(link).parent().next());
    resultsTarget.html("<img style='position: absolute;' src='" + waitImgUrl + "'/><span>Sync in progress</span>");

    $.get($(this).attr("data-url"), function (returnVal) {

Is it considered bad practice to subsequently (and unnecessarily) wrap that object in the jQuery function? Does jQuery optimize superfluous calls like this?

$("a.postSyncLink").click(function () {
    var resultsTarget = $("span", $(link).parent().next());
    $(resultsTarget).html("<img style='position: absolute;' src='" + waitImgUrl + "'/><span>Sync in progress</span>");

    $.get($(this).attr("data-url"), function (returnVal) {
like image 668
Adam Rackis Avatar asked Dec 06 '11 01:12

Adam Rackis

2 Answers

If they aren't being used to clone the original jQuery object, then yes it's bad:


A jQuery object passed to jQuery is cloned, which is processor time I would not waste.

When storing a reference to a jQuery object I find it useful to prefix the variable name with a $, this helps me remember that it is a jQuery object, and doesn't need to be re-wrapped:

$("a.postSyncLink").click(function () {
    var $resultsTarget = $("span", $(link).parent().next());
    $resultsTarget.html("<img style='position: absolute;' src='" + waitImgUrl + "'/><span>Sync in progress</span>");

    $.get($(this).attr("data-url"), function (returnVal) {
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Shad Avatar answered Sep 23 '22 21:09


It hurts performance since you are creating new jquery objects every time you do it.

Avoid it when possible.

Just create the jquery object and use that.

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PeeHaa Avatar answered Sep 24 '22 21:09
