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Arduino Eclipse Can not resolve Serial

I have been trying to set up Eclipse and the Arduino libraries. I have followed the instructions located at this URL. http://arduino.cc/playground/Code/Eclipse

The issue I am having is that my project can not resolve Serial. Anyone have an idea of why this might be? I am using Arduino 1.0 and the instruction were written for a pre 1.0 version.

like image 561
Spectrem Avatar asked Jun 11 '12 01:06


1 Answers

Setting the preference windows->preferences->C/C++->indexer->index unused headers.

Setting the preference windows->preferences->C/C++->indexer->index source and header files opened in the editor.

Setting the preference windows->preferences->C/C++->indexer->Files to index upfront . Add arduino.h and or WProgram.h.

Do next four in this sequence
 Right click the project->index->Search for unresolved includes.
Right click the project->index->Freshen all Files.
Right click the project->index->Update with modified files.
Right click the project->index->Rebuild.
like image 81
Spectrem Avatar answered Oct 13 '22 13:10
