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ARCore how to release image acquired with acquireCameraImage




I'm trying to capture image from the ARCore camera, but doing this continuously is returning me an exception (com.google.ar.core.exceptions.ResourceExhaustedException) and the same log is available at JNI level too

E: cpu_image_manager.cc:102 Failed to acquire new image, due to too many images acquired but not released.
E: status.cc:155 ArStatusErrorSpace::AR_ERROR_RESOURCE_EXHAUSTED: 

So I tried to find out how to release an image, and as pointed out by the ARCore ref it's pretty easy with C (Caller is responsible for later releasing the image with ArImage_release) but in Java there is no release method for a Frame object. Is it because GC is intended to free the resource itself?

like image 741
Dario Coletto Avatar asked Aug 06 '18 09:08

Dario Coletto

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1 Answers

After having acquired the Image object with

final Image image = frame.acquireCameraImage()

You can free the memory calling:


Use the latest version ARCore SDK for Android 1.4, because prior to 1.3 image.close() had a bug with a reference received from frame.acquireCameraImage()

Ref: Image.close() reference

like image 64
MatPag Avatar answered Sep 27 '22 22:09
