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Archiva Remote repository issue

I am trying to add a remote repository on Archiva. However, I keep getting this error in the logs:

ERROR org.apache.cxf.jaxrs.utils.JAXRSUtils []
- No message body writer has been found for class org.apache.archiva.rest.services.ArchivaRestError,
ContentType: text/plain

I tried adding the Content Type header with text/plain but that did not work

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datbrown123 Avatar asked Jul 25 '16 20:07


1 Answers

I've hit the same problem after adding a new remote repository to Archiva.

From my analysis I conclude that the error is thrown for Repositories that don't expose an index.

Example: When adding http://download.oracle.com/maven, which is Oracle's Maven Repository to receive artifacts, will throw this error as soon as you've added it as a remote repository.

Trying to access the URL via browser results in a 404. However, direct queries like this are answered properly.

So, I guess it is Archiva's inability to properly cope with such repositories.

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joergd Avatar answered Sep 28 '22 00:09
