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Appropriate representation of a 2D game board in Clojure

I'm working on a small game in Clojure as a learning exercise. I think I've settled on a representation of the game state at any particular time as a list of "movables" and a 2D vector-of-vectors for the "terrain" (board squares).

95% of the time I expect to be checking for a collision in a particular square for which the 2D vector seems appropriate. But in a few cases, I need to go the other direction -- find the (x,y) location of a cell that matches some criteria. First attempt was something like this:

(defn find-cell-row [fn row x y]
  (if (empty? row) nil
    (if (fn (first row)) [x y]
      (find-cell-row fn (rest row) (inc x) y))))

(defn find-cell [fn grid y]
  (if (empty? grid) nil
    (or (find-cell-row fn (first grid) 0 y)
        (find-cell (rest grid) (inc y)))))

(def sample [[\a \b \c][\d \e \f]])
(find-cell #(= % \c) sample 0) ;; => [2 0]

I tried something more concise with map-indexed, but it got ugly quickly and still didn't give me quite what I wanted. Is there a more idiomatic way to do this search, or perhaps I would be better served with a different data structure? Maybe a map { [x y] -> cell }? Using a map to represent a matrix feels so wrong to me :)

like image 874
kylewm Avatar asked Apr 17 '12 21:04


2 Answers

A nested vector is pretty normal for this sort of thing, and it's neither hard nor ugly to scan through one if you use a for comprehension:

(let [h 5, w 10]
   (for [y (range h), x (range w)
         :let [coords [y x]]
         :when (f (get-in board coords))]
like image 95
amalloy Avatar answered Oct 22 '22 04:10


How about using a plain vector then all the 'usual' functions are available to you and you can extract [x y] as necessary.

(def height 3)
(def width 3)

(def s [\a \b \c \d \e \f \g \h \i])

(defn ->xy [i]
    [(mod i height) (int (/ i height))])

(defn find-cell 
    "returns a vector of the [x y] co-ords of cell when
     pred is true"
    [pred s]
    (let [i (first (keep-indexed #(when (pred %2) %1) s))]
      (->xy i)))

(find-cell #(= \h %) s)
;=> [1 2]

(defn update-cells 
    "returns an updated sequence s where value at index i
     is replaced with v. Allows multiple [i v] pairs"
    [s i v & ivs]
    (apply assoc s i v ivs))

(update-cells s 1 \z)
;=> [\a \z \c \d \e \f \g \h \i]

(update-cells s 1 \p 3 \w)
;=> [\a \p \c \w \e \f \g \h \i]
like image 39
sw1nn Avatar answered Oct 22 '22 04:10
