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Approach for automatic fields reordering in C-like structs

Is there a way to perform automatic fields reordering in C-like structs? I mean the using of the language features like( preprocessor for C and C++ and templates/type traits/etc for C++), which make it possible to do the following macro (Boost.Fusion-like style to adapt structures):

// is equivalent to (without loss of generality):
struct StructureName

    int32_t FieldName2;
    int32_t FieldName4;
    int16_t FieldName3;
    int8_t FieldName1;


Of course, approach should take into account alignof values (together with sizeof) for fields and, if it possible, #pragma pack current value.

I am aware of bad portability of the result, but it for local use only.

It is mandatory thing to save the field names together with respective types.

The aim is to reduce total structure size.

like image 903
Tomilov Anatoliy Avatar asked Mar 18 '15 11:03

Tomilov Anatoliy

People also ask

Can C compiler reorder struct members?

A Standard C compiler won't rearrange the members of a structure automatically to reduce the structure's size.

Can compiler reorder struct members?

Since the rules are fixed in the language, the compiler is able to figure out how the members were reordered, and react accordingly. As mentioned above, it will always be possible to prevent reordering in the cases where you want complete control.

Does struct order matter in C?

The order of fields in a struct does matter - the compiler is not allowed to reorder fields, so the size of the struct may change as the result of adding some padding.

2 Answers

I found the C++14 solution:

#include <boost/preprocessor/seq/for_each_i.hpp>
#include <boost/preprocessor/repetition/enum.hpp>

#include <utility>

#include <cstddef>

namespace details

template< std::size_t /*index*/, typename /*tag*/ >
struct member;

struct pair
    std::size_t k, v; 
    constexpr bool operator < (pair const & r) const { return r.k < k; }

constexpr void swap(pair & l, pair & r) { pair m = r; r = l; l = m; }

template< int N >
void qsort(pair (&a)[N], int const l, int const r)
    int i = l, j = r;
    pair pivot = a[l + (r - l) / 2];
    while (!(j < i)) { 
        while (a[i] < pivot) ++i;
        while (pivot < a[j]) --j;
        if (!(j < i)) {
            swap(a[i], a[j]);
    if (l < j) qsort(a, l, j);
    if (i < r) qsort(a, i, r);

template< int N >
struct map
    pair a[N];

template< int N, std::size_t ...indices >
map< N > make_map(pair (&a)[N], std::index_sequence< indices... >)
    return {{a[indices]...}};

template< int N >
map< N > qsort(pair (&&a)[N])
    if (1 < N) {
        qsort< N >(a, 0, N - 1);
    return make_map< N >(a, std::make_index_sequence< N >{});


#define GEN0(z, tag, index, type_name) template<> struct member< index, tag > \

#define GEN1(z, ignored, index, type_name) {sizeof(BOOST_PP_SEQ_HEAD(type_name)), index},

#define GEN2(z, index, tags) details::member< BOOST_PP_SEQ_HEAD(tags)::map.a[index].v, BOOST_PP_SEQ_HEAD(BOOST_PP_SEQ_TAIL(tags)) >

#define GEN(ns, tag, members) \
namespace ns { struct tag; } \
namespace details { BOOST_PP_SEQ_FOR_EACH_I(GEN0, ns::tag, members) } \
namespace details::tags::ns { struct tag { static constexpr auto map = qsort({BOOST_PP_SEQ_FOR_EACH_I(GEN1, %%, members)}); }; } \
namespace ns { struct tag : BOOST_PP_ENUM(BOOST_PP_SEQ_SIZE(members), GEN2, (details::tags::ns::tag)(tag)) {}; }

struct T { char c[3]; };

GEN(user::u2, S, ((char)(c))((int)(i))((T)(t)))

#include <cassert>

int main()
    using namespace details;
    void(member< 0, user::u2::S >{}.c);
    void(member< 1, user::u2::S >{}.i);
    static_assert(tags::user::u2::S::map.a[0].k == 4);
    static_assert(tags::user::u2::S::map.a[1].k == 3);
    static_assert(tags::user::u2::S::map.a[2].k == 1);
    user::u2::S s{4, {'a', 'b', 'c'}, 'd'};
    assert((void *)&s.i == (void *)&s);
    assert((void *)&s.t < (void *)&s.c);
    static_assert(sizeof(s) == 8);
like image 155
Tomilov Anatoliy Avatar answered Sep 28 '22 01:09

Tomilov Anatoliy

Some solutions:

  • Reorder the fields with clang-reorder-fields in clang-tools-extra
  • Let gcc do that automatically using -fipa-struct-reorg. That option has been removed since gcc 4.8.x but is still in active development for inclusion back to official gcc in a future version. In the meantime if you want to try you'll have to build gcc from source using the struct-reorg branch on gcc SVN or the github mirror


  • Automated field re-ordering in C structs to avoid padding
  • Struct Reordering by compiler
like image 28
phuclv Avatar answered Sep 27 '22 23:09
