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Applying TDD when the application is 100% CRUD



I routinely run into this problem, and I'm not sure how to get past this hurdle. I really want to start learning and applying Test-Driven-Development (or BDD, or whatever) but it seems like every application I do where I want to apply is it pretty much only standard database CRUD stuff, and I'm not sure how to go about applying it. The objects pretty much don't do anything apart from being persisted to a database; there is no complex logic that needs to be tested. There is a gateway that I'll eventually need to test for a 3rd-party service, but I want to get the core of the app done first.

Whenever I try to write tests, I only end up testing basic stuff that I probably shouldn't be testing in the first place (e.g. getters/setters) but it doesn't look like the objects have anything else. I guess I could test persistence but this never seems right to me because you aren't supposed to actually hit a database, but if you mock it out then you really aren't testing anything because you control the data that's spit back; like I've seen a lot of examples where there is a mock repository that simulates a database by looping and creating a list of known values, and the test verifies that the "repository" can pull back a certain value... I'm not seeing the point of a test like this because of course the "repository" is going to return that value; it's hard-coded in the class! Well, I see it from a pure TDD standpoint (i.e. you need to have a test saying that your repository needs a GetCustomerByName method or whatever before you can write the method itself), but that seems like following dogma for no reason other than its "the way" - the test doesn't seem to be doing anything useful apart from justifying a method.

Am I thinking of this the wrong way?

For example take a run of the mill contact management application. We have contacts, and let's say that we can send messages to contacts. We therefore have two entities: Contact and Message, each with common properties (e.g. First Name, Last Name, Email for Contact, and Subject and Body and Date for Message). If neither of these objects have any real behavior or need to perform any logic, then how do you apply TDD when designing an app like this? The only purpose of the app is basically to pull a list of contacts and display them on a page, display a form to send a message, and the like. I'm not seeing any sort of useful tests here - I could think of some tests but they would pretty much be tests for the sake of saying "See, I have tests!" instead of actually testing some kind of logic (While Ruby on Rails makes good use of it, I don't really consider testing validation to be a "useful" test because it should be something the framework takes care of for you)

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Wayne Molina Avatar asked May 09 '09 01:05

Wayne Molina

People also ask

What is full CRUD?

CRUD Meaning: CRUD is an acronym that comes from the world of computer programming and refers to the four functions that are considered necessary to implement a persistent storage application: create, read, update and delete.

What is CRUD application how we can work with it?

CRUD apps are the user interface that we use to interact with databases through APIs. It is a specific type of application that supports the four basic operations: Create, read, update, delete. Broadly, CRUD apps consist of the database, the user interface, and the APIs.

2 Answers

"The only purpose of the app is basically to pull a list of contacts"

Okay. Test that. What does "pull" mean? That sounds like "logic".

" display them on a page"

Okay. Test that. Right ones displayed? Everything there?

" display a form to send a message,"

Okay. Test that. Right fields? Validations of inputs all work?

" and the like."

Okay. Test that. Do the queries work? Find the right data? Display the right data? Validate the inputs? Produce the right error messages for the invalid inputs?

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S.Lott Avatar answered Oct 05 '22 12:10


I am working on a pure CRUD application right now But I see lots of benefits of Unit test cases (note- I didn't say TDD)

I write code first and then the test cases- but never too apart- soon enough though

And I test the CRUD operations - persistence to the database as well.

When I am done with the persistence - and move on to the UI layer- I will have fair amount of confidence that my service\persistence layer is good- and I can then concentrate on the UI alone at that moment.

So IMHO- there is always benefit of TDD\Unit testing (whatever you call it depending on how extreme you feel about it)- even for CRUD application You just need to find the right strategy for- your application

Just use common sense....and you will be fine.

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RN. Avatar answered Oct 05 '22 11:10