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applying regex to a pandas dataframe

I'm having trouble applying a regex function a column in a python dataframe. Here is the head of my dataframe:

               Name   Season          School   G    MP  FGA  3P  3PA    3P%  74       Joe Dumars  1982-83   McNeese State  29   NaN  487   5    8  0.625     84      Sam Vincent  1982-83  Michigan State  30  1066  401   5   11  0.455     176  Gerald Wilkins  1982-83     Chattanooga  30   820  350   0    2  0.000     177  Gerald Wilkins  1983-84     Chattanooga  23   737  297   3   10  0.300     243    Delaney Rudd  1982-83     Wake Forest  32  1004  324  13   29  0.448   

I thought I had a pretty good grasp of applying functions to Dataframes, so maybe my Regex skills are lacking.

Here is what I put together:

import re  def split_it(year):     return re.findall('(\d\d\d\d)', year)   df['Season2'] = df['Season'].apply(split_it(x))  TypeError: expected string or buffer 

Output would be a column called Season2 that contains the year before the hyphen. I'm sure theres an easier way to do it without regex, but more importantly, i'm trying to figure out what I did wrong

Thanks for any help in advance.

like image 430
itjcms18 Avatar asked Aug 13 '14 17:08


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We have seen how regexp can be used effectively with some the Pandas functions and can help to extract, match the patterns in the Series or a Dataframe. Especially when you are working with the Text data then Regex is a powerful tool for data extraction, Cleaning and validation.

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2 Answers

When I try (a variant of) your code I get NameError: name 'x' is not defined-- which it isn't.

You could use either

df['Season2'] = df['Season'].apply(split_it) 


df['Season2'] = df['Season'].apply(lambda x: split_it(x)) 

but the second one is just a longer and slower way to write the first one, so there's not much point (unless you have other arguments to handle, which we don't here.) Your function will return a list, though:

>>> df["Season"].apply(split_it) 74     [1982] 84     [1982] 176    [1982] 177    [1983] 243    [1982] Name: Season, dtype: object 

although you could easily change that. FWIW, I'd use vectorized string operations and do something like

>>> df["Season"].str[:4].astype(int) 74     1982 84     1982 176    1982 177    1983 243    1982 Name: Season, dtype: int64 


>>> df["Season"].str.split("-").str[0].astype(int) 74     1982 84     1982 176    1982 177    1983 243    1982 Name: Season, dtype: int64 
like image 184
DSM Avatar answered Sep 17 '22 18:09


You can simply use str.extract


Here you locate \d{4}-\d{2} (for example 1982-83) but only extracts the captured group between parenthesis \d{4} (for example 1982)

like image 29
Gabriel Avatar answered Sep 20 '22 18:09
