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Applying func to elements in std::tuple in the natural (not reverse) order

I need to call a - template or overloaded - function for each element in an arbitrary tuple. To be precise, I need to call this function on the elements as they are specified in the tuple.

For example. I have a tuple std::tuple<int, float> t{1, 2.0f}; and a functional

class Lambda{
   template<class T>
   void operator()(T arg){ std::cout << arg << "; "; }

I need some struct/function Apply, which, if called like Apply<Lambda, int, float>()(Lambda(), t) would yield:

1; 2.0f; 

and NOT 2.0f; 1;.

Note that I know the solution, if a "raw" parameter pack is passed in to the function and I know how to do that for tuples in the reverse order. But the following attempt of partially specializing Apply fails:

template<class Func, size_t index, class ...Components>
class ForwardsApplicator{
    void operator()(Func func, const std::tuple<Components...>& t){
        ForwardsApplicator<Func, index + 1, Components...>()(func, t);

template<class Func, class... Components>
class ForwardsApplicator < Func, sizeof...(Components), Components... > {
    void operator()(Func func, const std::tuple<Components...>& t){}

int main{
    ForwardsApplicator<Lambda, 0, int, float>()(Lambda{}, std::make_tuple(1, 2.0f));

The code is compiled but only the first argument is printed. However, if I replace the ForwardsApplicator specialization with

template<class Func, class... Components>
class ForwardsApplicator < Func, 2, Components... >{...}

it works correctly - but, of course, only for tuples with length 2. How do I do that - if possible, elegantly -- for tuples of arbitrary length?

EDIT: Thanks guys for your answers! All three are really straight-to-the-point and explain the issue from all possible vantage points.

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Mischa Avatar asked Feb 05 '15 12:02


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Tuples are immutable. Lists are mutable. Tuples can contain different data types. Lists consist of a singular data type.

What is a std :: tuple?

Class template std::tuple is a fixed-size collection of heterogeneous values. It is a generalization of std::pair. If std::is_trivially_destructible<Ti>::value is true for every Ti in Types , the destructor of tuple is trivial.

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Tuple types The template parameters specify the types of the tuple elements. The current version supports tuples with 0-10 elements. If necessary, the upper limit can be increased up to, say, a few dozen elements. The data element can be any C++ type.

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get(): get() is used to access the tuple values and modify them, it accepts the index and tuple name as arguments to access a particular tuple element. 2. make_tuple(): make_tuple() is used to assign tuple with values. The values passed should be in order with the values declared in the tuple.

2 Answers

This is a textbook case for the integer_sequence trick.

template<class Func, class Tuple, size_t...Is>
void for_each_in_tuple(Func f, Tuple&& tuple, std::index_sequence<Is...>){
    using expander = int[];
    (void)expander { 0, ((void)f(std::get<Is>(std::forward<Tuple>(tuple))), 0)... };

template<class Func, class Tuple>
void for_each_in_tuple(Func f, Tuple&& tuple){
    for_each_in_tuple(f, std::forward<Tuple>(tuple),


std::index_sequence and friends are C++14, but it's a pure library extension and can easily be implemented in C++11. You can easily find half a dozen implementations on SO.

like image 51
T.C. Avatar answered Oct 13 '22 19:10


The problem is that size...(Components) can not be used in the specialization for an unknown type list Components. GCC complains about this with the error:

prog.cpp:16:7: error: template argument 'sizeof... (Components)' involves template parameter(s)
 class ForwardsApplicator < Func, sizeof...(Components), Components... > {

I suggest a slightly different approach. First, move the type list Components into the template parameter for the operator(), i.e.:

template<class ...Components>
void operator()(Func func, const std::tuple<Components...>& t) {

Then, reverse the call order: first do a recursive call, then the invokation with index-1 (i.e. call on the last tuple element). Start this recursion with index = sizeof...(Components) and go until index = 0 which is noop (so the specialization has 0, independent of sizeof...(Components) which was the problem I began to talk about).

To help call this, add a function for template argument deduction:

// General case (recursion)
template<class Func, size_t index>
class ForwardsApplicator{
    template<class ...Components>
    void operator()(Func func, const std::tuple<Components...>& t){
        ForwardsApplicator<Func, index - 1>()(func, t);
        func(std::get<index - 1>(t));

// Special case (stop recursion)
template<class Func>
class ForwardsApplicator<Func, 0> {
    template<class ...Components>
    void operator()(Func func, const std::tuple<Components...>& t){}

// Helper function for template type deduction
template<class Func, class ...Components>
void apply(Func func, const std::tuple<Components...>& t) {
    ForwardsApplicator<Func, sizeof...(Components)>()(func, t);

It is then easy to invoke, without the need for any template parameters on the call site:

apply(Lambda{}, std::make_tuple(1, 2.0f));

Live demo

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leemes Avatar answered Oct 13 '22 18:10
