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Applying ACL silently failing (sometimes)

I have an application running in multiple servers applying some ACL's.

Problem is when more than one server is applying on the same folder structure (i.e. three levels), usually only levels one and three have the ACL's applied, but there's no exception.

I've created a test with parallel tasks (to simulate the different servers):

public void ApplyACL()
    var baseDir = Path.Combine(Path.GetTempPath(), "ACL-PROBLEM");

    if (Directory.Exists(baseDir))
        Directory.Delete(baseDir, true);

    var paths = new[]
        Path.Combine(baseDir, "LEVEL-1"),
        Path.Combine(baseDir, "LEVEL-1", "LEVEL-2"),
        Path.Combine(baseDir, "LEVEL-1", "LEVEL-2", "LEVEL-3")

    //create folders and files, so the ACL takes some time to apply
    foreach (var dir in paths)

        for (int i = 0; i < 1000; i++)
            var id = string.Format("{0:000}", i);
            File.WriteAllText(Path.Combine(dir, id + ".txt"), id);

    var sids = new[]

    var taskList = new List<Task>();
    for (int i = 0; i < paths.Length; i++)
        taskList.Add(CreateTask(i + 1, paths[i], sids[i]));        

    Parallel.ForEach(taskList, t => t.Start());


    var output = new StringBuilder();
    var failed = false;
    for (int i = 0; i < paths.Length; i++)
        var ok = Directory.GetAccessControl(paths[i])
                          .GetAccessRules(true, false, typeof(SecurityIdentifier))
                          .Any(f => f.IdentityReference.Value == sids[i]);

        if (!ok)
            failed = true;
        output.AppendLine(paths[i].Remove(0, baseDir.Length + 1) + " --> " + (ok ? "OK" : "ERROR"));


    if (failed)

private static Task CreateTask(int i, string path, string sid)
    return new Task(() =>
        var start = DateTime.Now;
        Debug.WriteLine("Task {0} start:  {1:HH:mm:ss.fffffff}", i, start);
        var fileSystemAccessRule = new FileSystemAccessRule(new SecurityIdentifier(sid), 
                                                            FileSystemRights.Modify | FileSystemRights.Synchronize,
                                                            InheritanceFlags.ContainerInherit | InheritanceFlags.ObjectInherit,

        var directorySecurity = Directory.GetAccessControl(path);
        Directory.SetAccessControl(path, directorySecurity);

        Debug.WriteLine("Task {0} finish: {1:HH:mm:ss.fffffff} ({2} ms)", i, DateTime.Now, (DateTime.Now - start).TotalMilliseconds);

I'm getting the same problem: usually (but not always) only levels one and three have the ACL's applied.

Why is that and how can I fix this?

like image 974
Anderson Pimentel Avatar asked Nov 21 '17 12:11

Anderson Pimentel

1 Answers

Directory.SetAccessControl internally calls the Win32 API function SetSecurityInfo: https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/windows/desktop/aa379588.aspx

The important part of the above documentation:

If you are setting the discretionary access control list (DACL) or any elements in the system access control list (SACL) of an object, the system automatically propagates any inheritable access control entries (ACEs) to existing child objects, according to the ACE inheritance rules.

The enumeration of child objects (CodeFuller already described this) is done in the low level function SetSecurityInfo itself. To be more detailed, this function calls into the system DLL NTMARTA.DLL, which does all the dirty work. The background of this is inheritance, which is a "pseudo inheritance", done for performance reasons. Every object contains not only the "own" ACEs, but also the inherited ACEs (those which are grayed out in Explorer). All this inheritance is done during the ACL setting, not during runtime ACL resolution / checking.

This former decision of Microsoft is also the trigger of the following problem (Windows admins should know this):

If you move a directory tree to another location in the file system where a different ACL is set, the ACLs of the objects of the moved try will not change. So to say, the inherited permissions are wrong, they do not match the parent’s ACL anymore. This inheritance is not defined by InheritanceFlags, but instead with SetAccessRuleProtection.

To add on CodeFuller’s answer:

>>After enumeration is completed, internal directory security record is assigned to directory.

This enumeration is not just a pure reading of the sub-objects, the ACL of every sub-object will be SET.

So the problem is inherent to the inner workings of Windows ACL handling: SetSecurityInfo checks the parent directory for all ACEs which should be inherited and then does a recursion and applies these inheritable ACEs to all subobjects.

I know about this because I have written a tool which sets the ACLs of complete file systems (with millions of files) which uses what we call a "managed folder". We can have very complex ALCs with automatic calculated list permissions. For the setting of the ACL to the files and folders I use SetKernelObjectSecurity. This API should not normally be used for file systems, since it does not handle that inheritance stuff. So you have to do this yourself. But, if you know what you do and you do it correctly, it is the only reliable way to set the ACL on a file tree in every situation. In fact, there can be situations (broken / invalid ACL entries in child objects) where SetSecurityInfo fails to set these objects correctly.

And now to the code from Anderson Pimentel:

It should be clear from the above that the parallel setting can only work if the inheritance is blocked at each directory level.
However, it does not work to just call

dirSecurity.SetAccessRuleProtection(true, true);

in the task, since this call may come to late.

I got the code working if the above statement is called before starting the task.

The bad news is that this call, done with C# also does a complete recursion.

So it seems that there is no real compelling solution in C#, beside using PInvoke calling the low-level security functions directly.

But that’s another story.

And to the initial problem where different servers are setting the ACL:

If we know about the intent behind and what you want the resulting ALC to be, we perhaps can find a way.

Let me know.

like image 72
Rainer Schaack Avatar answered Sep 26 '22 08:09

Rainer Schaack