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Apply set_index over groupby object in order to apply asfreq per group



Im looking to apply pading over each group of my data frame

notice that for a single group ('element_id') i have no problem in pading:

first group (group1):

{'date': {88: datetime.date(2017, 10, 3), 43: datetime.date(2017, 9, 26), 159: datetime.date(2017, 11, 8)}, u'element_id': {88: 122, 43: 122, 159: 122}, u'VALUE': {88: '8.0', 43: '2.0', 159: '5.0'}}

So im applying padding over it (which works great):

print group1.set_index('date').asfreq('D', method='pad').head()

Im looking to apply this logic over several groups through groupby

Another group (group2):

{'date': {88: datetime.date(2017, 10, 3), 43: datetime.date(2017, 9, 26), 159: datetime.date(2017, 11, 8)}, u'element_id': {88: 122, 43: 122, 159: 122}, u'VALUE': {88: '8.0', 43: '2.0', 159: '5.0'}}


And im getting the following error:

AttributeError: Cannot access callable attribute 'set_index' of 'DataFrameGroupBy' objects, try using the 'apply' method
like image 528
Yehoshaphat Schellekens Avatar asked Nov 23 '17 11:11

Yehoshaphat Schellekens

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1 Answers

First there is problem your date column has dtype object, not datetime, so first is necessary convert it by to_datetime.

Then is possible use GroupBy.apply:

group_data['date'] = pd.to_datetime(group_data['date'])

df = (group_data.groupby(['element_id'])
                .apply(lambda x: x.set_index('date').resample('D').ffill()))

print (df.head())

                      VALUE  element_id
element_id date                        
122        2017-09-26   2.0         122
           2017-09-27   2.0         122
           2017-09-28   2.0         122
           2017-09-29   2.0         122
           2017-09-30   2.0         122

Or DataFrameGroupBy.resample:

    df = group_data.set_index('date').groupby(['element_id']).resample('D').ffill()
print (df.head())
                      VALUE  element_id
element_id date                        
122        2017-09-26   2.0         122
           2017-09-27   2.0         122
           2017-09-28   2.0         122
           2017-09-29   2.0         122
           2017-09-30   2.0         122


If problem with duplicates values solution is add new column for subgroups with unique dates. If use concat there is parameter keys for it:

group1 = pd.DataFrame({'date': {88: datetime.date(2017, 10, 3), 
                                43: datetime.date(2017, 9, 26), 
                                159: datetime.date(2017, 11, 8)}, 
                       u'element_id': {88: 122, 43: 122, 159: 122}, 
                       u'VALUE': {88: '8.0', 43: '2.0', 159: '5.0'}})

d = {'level_0':'g'}
group_data=pd.concat([group1,group1], keys=('a','b')).reset_index(level=0).rename(columns=d)
print (group_data)
     g VALUE        date  element_id
43   a   2.0  2017-09-26         122
88   a   8.0  2017-10-03         122
159  a   5.0  2017-11-08         122
43   b   2.0  2017-09-26         122
88   b   8.0  2017-10-03         122
159  b   5.0  2017-11-08         122

group_data['date'] = pd.to_datetime(group_data['date'])

df = (group_data.groupby(['g','element_id'])
                .apply(lambda x: x.set_index('date').resample('D').ffill()))

print (df.head())

                         g VALUE  element_id
g element_id date                           
a 122        2017-09-26  a   2.0         122
             2017-09-27  a   2.0         122
             2017-09-28  a   2.0         122
             2017-09-29  a   2.0         122
             2017-09-30  a   2.0         122
like image 54
jezrael Avatar answered Sep 24 '22 19:09
