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apply over matrix by column - any way to get column name?



I'm calling apply(data, 2, function(x) {...}) where data is a matrix. Is there any way for the function to know the name of the column whose values are present in x? Or perhaps there's another function to accomplish the same task?

like image 406
SFun28 Avatar asked Oct 06 '11 22:10


People also ask

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2 Answers

One common way to deal with this is to loop over the column names themselves:

m <- matrix(runif(16),4,4)
colnames(m) <- letters[1:4]
        a         b         c         d 
0.4720319 0.4992337 0.5026318 0.3514267
like image 198
joran Avatar answered Sep 20 '22 21:09


You can use sapply on colnames(data):

Data <- matrix(rnorm(10),5,2)
colnames(Data) <- c("one","two")
sapply(colnames(Data), function(x) sum(Data[,x]))
#       one       two 
#  3.987540 -2.010875 
#       one       two 
#  3.987540 -2.010875
like image 34
Joshua Ulrich Avatar answered Sep 20 '22 21:09

Joshua Ulrich