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Apply lm to subset of data frame defined by a third column of the frame

I've got a data frame containing a vector of x values, a vector of y values, and a vector of IDs:

x <- rep(0:3, 3)
y <- runif(12)
ID <- c(rep("a", 4), rep("b", 4), rep("c", 4))
df <- data.frame(ID=ID, x=x, y=y)

I'd like to create a separate lm for the subset of x's and y's sharing the same ID. The following code gets the job done:

a.lm <- lm(x~y, data=subset(df, ID=="a"))
b.lm <- lm(x~y, data=subset(df, ID=="b"))
c.lm <- lm(x~y, data=subset(df, ID=="c"))

Except that this is very brittle (future data sets might have different IDs) and un-vectorized. I'd also like to store all the lms in a single data structure. There must be an elegant way to do this, but I can't find it. Any help?

like image 651
Drew Steen Avatar asked Sep 14 '11 10:09

Drew Steen

People also ask

How do I subset a Dataframe in R by columns?

If you wanted to get the subset of a data. frame (DataFrame) Rows & Columns in R, either use the subset() function , filter() from dplyr package or R base square bracket notation df[] . subset() is a generic R function that is used to get the rows and columns (In R terms observations & variables) from the data frame.

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The subset parameter in lm() and other model fitting functions takes as its argument a logical vector the length of the dataframe, evaluated in the environment of the dataframe.

How do you subset a matrix in R?

A matrix is subset with two arguments within single brackets, [] , and separated by a comma. The first argument specifies the rows, and the second the columns.

What function is used to subset a data frame according to the values of a variable in the data frame?

The filter() function is used to subset a data frame, retaining all rows that satisfy your conditions.

3 Answers

Using base functions, you can split your original dataframe and use lapply on that:

lapply(split(df,df$ID),function(d) lm(x~y,d))

lm(formula = x ~ y, data = d)

(Intercept)            y  
    -0.2334       2.8813  


lm(formula = x ~ y, data = d)

(Intercept)            y  
     0.7558       1.8279  


lm(formula = x ~ y, data = d)

(Intercept)            y  
      3.451       -7.628  
like image 77
James Avatar answered Oct 23 '22 13:10


How about

library(nlme) ## OR library(lme4)


like image 38
Ben Bolker Avatar answered Oct 23 '22 13:10

Ben Bolker

Use some of the magic in the plyr package. The function dlply takes a data.frame, splits it, applies a function to each element, and combines it into a list. This is perfect for your application.

#fitList <- dlply(df, .(ID), function(dat)lm(x~y, data=dat))
fitList <- dlply(df, .(ID), lm, formula=x~y) # Edit

This creates a list with a model for each subset of ID:

str(fitList, max.level=1)

List of 3
 $ a:List of 12
  ..- attr(*, "class")= chr "lm"
 $ b:List of 12
  ..- attr(*, "class")= chr "lm"
 $ c:List of 12
  ..- attr(*, "class")= chr "lm"
 - attr(*, "split_type")= chr "data.frame"
 - attr(*, "split_labels")='data.frame':    3 obs. of  1 variable:

This means you can subset the list and work with that. For example, to get the coefficients for your lm model where ID=="a":

> coef(fitList$a)
(Intercept)           y 
   3.071854   -3.440928 
like image 7
Andrie Avatar answered Oct 23 '22 13:10
