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Apply a function to groupBy data with pyspark

I'm trying to get word counts from a csv when grouping on another column. My csv has three columns: id, message and user_id. I read this in and then split the message and store a list of unigrams:

|               id|             message|             user_id|
|10100720363468236|[i'm, sad, to, mi...|dceafb541a1b8e894...|
|10100718944611636|[what, does, the,...|dceafb541a1b8e894...|
|10100718890699676|[at, the, oecd, w...|dceafb541a1b8e894...|

Next, given my dataframe df, I want to group by user_id and then get counts for each of the unigrams. As a simple first pass I tried grouping by user_id and get the length of the grouped message field:

from collections import Counter
from pyspark.sql.types import ArrayType, StringType, IntegerType
from pyspark.sql.functions import udf

df = self.session.read.csv(self.corptable, header=True,

# split my messages ....
# message is now ArrayType(StringType())

grouped = df.groupBy(df["user_id"])
counter = udf(lambda l: len(l), ArrayType(StringType()))

I get the following error:

pyspark.sql.utils.AnalysisException: "expression '`message`' is neither present in the group by, nor is it an aggregate function. Add to group by or wrap in first() (or first_value) if you don't care which value you get.;"

Not sure how to get around this error. In general how does one apply a function to one column when grouping another? Do I always have to create a User Defined Function? Very new to Spark.

Edit: Here is how I solved this, given a tokenizer in a separate Python file:

group_field = "user_id"
message_field = "message"

context = SparkContext()
session = SparkSession\

# add tokenizer
from tokenizer import Tokenizer
tokenizer = Tokenizer()
spark_tokenizer = udf(tokenizer.tokenize, ArrayType(StringType()))

df = session.read.csv("myFile.csv", header=True,)
df = df[group_field, message_field]

# tokenize the message field
df = df.withColumn(message_field, spark_tokenizer(df[message_field]))

# create ngrams from tokenized messages
n = 1
grouped = df.rdd.map(lambda row: (row[0], Counter([" ".join(x) for x in zip(*[row[1][i:] for i in range(n)])]))).reduceByKey(add)

# flatten the rdd so that each row contains (group_id, ngram, count, relative frequency
flat = grouped.flatMap(lambda row: [[row[0], x,y, y/sum(row[1].values())] for x,y in row[1].items()])

# rdd -> DF
flat = flat.toDF()

Data looks like:

# after read
|             user_id|             message|
|00035fb0dcfbeaa8b...|To the douchebag ...|
|00035fb0dcfbeaa8b...|   T minus 1 week...|
|00035fb0dcfbeaa8b...|Last full day of ...|

# after tokenize
|             user_id|             message|
|00035fb0dcfbeaa8b...|[to, the, doucheb...|
|00035fb0dcfbeaa8b...|[t, minus, 1, wee...|
|00035fb0dcfbeaa8b...|[last, full, day,...|

# grouped: after 1grams extracted and Counters added
[('00035fb0dcfbeaa8bb70ffe24d614d4dcee446b803eb4063dccf14dd2a474611', Counter({'!': 545, '.': 373, 'the': 306, '"': 225, ...

# flat: after calculating sum and relative frequency for each 1gram
[['00035fb0dcfbeaa8bb70ffe24d614d4dcee446b803eb4063dccf14dd2a474611', 'face', 3, 0.000320547066994337], ['00035fb0dcfbeaa8bb70ffe24d614d4dcee446b803eb4063dccf14dd2a474611', 'was', 26, 0.002778074580617587] ....

# after flat RDD to DF
|                  _1|       _2| _3|                  _4|
|00035fb0dcfbeaa8b...|     face|  3| 3.20547066994337E-4|
|00035fb0dcfbeaa8b...|      was| 26|0.002778074580617587|
|00035fb0dcfbeaa8b...|      how| 22|0.002350678491291...|
like image 908
Sal Avatar asked Dec 05 '16 20:12


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The syntax for Pyspark Apply Function to Column The Import is to be used for passing the user-defined function. B:- The Data frame model used and the user-defined function that is to be passed for the column name. It takes up the column name as the parameter, and the function can be passed along.

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1 Answers


from  pyspark.sql.functions import *

df.withColumn("word", explode("message")) \
  .groupBy("user_id", "word").count() \
  .groupBy("user_id") \
  .agg(collect_list(struct("word", "count")))
like image 109
3 revs, 2 users 92%user6022341 Avatar answered Oct 10 '22 03:10

3 revs, 2 users 92%user6022341