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Application using Bing Maps API




I need to create an application where user can enter Longitude and Latitude in TextBox and it will show a MAP using BING API. I need to show the Acquisition Date of Bird's Eye View and satellite View in the Map. Also an option that user can show the acquisition date to some third person.

How can I retrieve Acquisition Date and get location in Map using BING API? Can you write few lines of C# code to demonstrate?


like image 997
Umair A. Avatar asked Jul 25 '10 19:07

Umair A.

People also ask

Does Bing Maps have an API?

The Bing Maps Routing API enables optimized travel times both for consumers and commercial applications with location intelligence features using historical data.

Is Bing Maps API free to use?

Developers can use the Basic Key for building location intelligence-based apps with Bing Maps API for free.

What is the use of Bing Maps?

Bing Maps is an online mapping service by Microsoft. You can use it to get directions, find traffic details, and simply view maps. Bing Maps is only available from your web browser as there's no stand-alone apps available yet for your mobile devices.

Is Bing map better than Google map?

Usage in countries. Google Maps is predominately leading in most countries like the US, Japan, UK, Germany and 200+ countries. Bing Maps doesn't have any lead over Google Maps in any country. When you compare the mobile experience while using the two Maps, Google Maps is always the winner.

1 Answers

The MSDN guides include samples very close to this. The latitude/longitude portion is part of the guide itself. (MSDN Bing Maps .NET Getting started article) Look down in the section on Retrieving Imagery Metadata to get further information on the image acquisition information.

like image 143
Ruz Avatar answered Oct 11 '22 08:10
