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Application Routes with Spring MVC

I'm looking for a way to manage the route's use on my WebApp. Basically, I have three places that could share a router pattern. And I could send this pattern to use on my views, through expression language.

public class LoginRuasController
    public String logout(ModelMap model, HttpSession session)
        return "system/index";

    public String logout(ModelMap model, HttpSession session)
        session.setAttribute("xxx", null);
        return "redirect:/system/login";




<a href="#{Routes.newuser}">Triple X</a>

Initially, RequestMapping requests a constant value, so this generate a problem to implement a Route class with static return. Is there any solution available?

like image 282
claudioivp Avatar asked Jan 16 '13 16:01


People also ask

How mapping is done in Spring MVC?

The convention used by Spring MVC is to use the name of the class and remove the “Controller” suffix, then change the name to a lower case and return it as the mapping with a leading “/”. For example “WelcomeController” would return as mapping to “/welcome*”, i.e. to any URL that starts with “welcome”.

Is Spring MVC still used?

@PanadolChong accomodate Spring MVC is still used in some legacy applications, and Spring boot does majority of the configurations under-hood so to have a better understanding of how things work internally, Spring MVC might help.

What is true about @RequestMapping annotation in Spring MVC?

The @RequestMapping annotation can be applied to class-level and/or method-level in a controller. The class-level annotation maps a specific request path or pattern onto a controller. You can then apply additional method-level annotations to make mappings more specific to handler methods.

1 Answers

I found a solution, as follows:

1) I create a Routes class

public class Routes {

    private static HashMap<String, String> routes;

    public static final String host = "/mywebapp";
    public static final String home = "/home";
    public static final String login = "/login";
    public static final String logout = "/logout";

    private static void setRoutes()
        if(routes == null)
            routes = new HashMap<String, String>();

            routes.put("host", host);
            routes.put("home", host + home);
            routes.put("entrar", host + entrar);
            routes.put("sair", host + sair);

    public static HashMap<String, String> getRoutes()

        return routes;

    public static String getRoute(String destin)

        return routes.get(destin);


2) I use on my Controller... Now it's possible set a RequestMapping

public class HomeController extends AbstractController {

    public String home(ModelMap model)
        return Routes.home;


3) I set Routes to use on my views

public abstract class AbstractController {

    protected void preRender(ModelMap model) {
        model.addAttribute("routes", Routes.getRoutes()); 


4) And it's available now to use on the views

    <p>Mary is singing.</p>
    <p><a href="${routes.home}">Home</a></p>
like image 111
claudioivp Avatar answered Oct 10 '22 18:10
