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Application Loader: No eligible applications were found

I am trying to upload my application to the apple app store, but! I've set my application ID, certificate etc... then build signed application step by step according to apple howtos. In iTunes Connect I've registered my application record and yes! I've pressed the blue button: "Ready to upload binary" and my application status is: "Waiting for upload". I've even received an email, that I can now upload my binary. But! Even if I try to run setup wizard and enter correct info in Application loader I still get the message:

No eligible applications were found.

WHY!? I'm getting desperate about this. I've spent more than 5 days with trying to repeat, making everything step by step again, even trying to validate my application via XCode 4.0.2 fails, but with the message: No suitable application records were found.

please anybody help! I've written about this problem to apple tech support 4 days ago, but they haven't replied till now! I'm starting regret the money for this "Apple developer gibberish".

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uniquepito Avatar asked May 23 '11 20:05


1 Answers

Make sure your status isn't "Prepare for Upload" and is actually "Waiting for Upload."

On the app's page in iTC, you have to click "Ready to Upload binary" and it'll ask you about encryption. After that you should be good to go.

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Tim Avatar answered Sep 19 '22 05:09
