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Applescript to place applications on specific desktops

I've got an applescript, created in Automator, that opens a number of applications and folders that I use as part of a workflow for creating a photo book. The way my flow works is Photoshop Elements in Desktop 1, four Finder windows on Desktop 2, iPhoto on Desktop 3 and Booksmart on Desktop 4.

My applescript opens each of these just as I'd like, the only problem is it opens everything on the desktop that I'm on at the time. I then have to go into mission control and move around my windows putting each application onto the desktop I'd like it to be on. This takes as long as opening the applications one by one on their requisite desktop.

I have tried assigning desktops to the applications, but this doesn't appear to work consistently.

Is there any applescript that I can use that will open an application on a specific desktop?

I'm running OS X 10.8.2.

Many thanks

like image 846
Satkin2 Avatar asked Jan 04 '13 18:01


1 Answers

Did you try assigning the application to a desktop?

context menu

destop options

This will open the application on the right desktop without the help of a script.

like image 143
Dr.D Avatar answered Oct 10 '22 08:10
