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Apple Help Book tutorial [closed]

Can somebody point me to an up to date tutorial on how to create a help book for Cocoa application. Everything I've found online is old and outdated and the Apple documentation doesn't make it any clearer. One specific thing I can't figure out is how to create a .help bundle.

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Chris Avatar asked Jul 18 '12 23:07


People also ask

Why is Apple Books Not Working?

Apple Books may not be able to work as intended if your iPhone is having some problems with the Internet connection. In this case, you will usually be prompted with a pertinent error message. To fix the problem, you can restart and refresh the Wi-Fi internet connection on your phone.

How do you exit a book in iBooks?

Tap the top of the page for the word library. Tap library to return the book to the shelves. Pinch the screen with five fingers or tap the home bottun to close iBooks.

Why can't I open Apple Books?

If the iBooks app is crashing or stuck on loading, reboot your device will usually fix. Press the power button on your iPhone and then tap "Slide to power off". After second, press the power button again to reboot iPhone.

1 Answers

This document contains information on the help bundle layout (and Apple Help in general):


On the other hand, the help bundle format has never really been required (and in some OS versions was not officially supported despite Apple using it themselves for years).

All I do is set CFBundleHelpBookFolder and CFBundleHelpBookName (in Info.plist). The latter is a human-readable title, e.g. "YourApp Help", that must match the AppleTitle in the HTML.

I set CFBundleHelpBookFolder to simply the name "Help" and I create the folder Something.app/Contents/Resources/English.lproj/Help in the application bundle. In this directory I place index.html (containing the required <meta> tags AppleTitle and AppleIcon) and ExactMatch.plist. (By the way, it is actually a good idea if everything else goes into a subfolder below this point so that the help system doesn't have to search many top-level files.)

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Kevin Grant Avatar answered Jan 02 '23 09:01

Kevin Grant