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Appending a string to __FUNCTION__ in a macro




Please pardon me if I am asking an obvious question, but after going through a bunch of threads and trying out stuff, I am not able to pin down this simple thing.

I have this small program:

#define FUNC_PREFIX __FUNCTION__ "() :"

int main()
    printf("%s\n", FUNC_PREFIX);
    return 0;

So I can pass FUNC_PREFIX instead of __FUNCTION__ to log functions and they will print the calling function name followed by paren and colon — just so to improve readability of log line outputs.

This compiles fine as-is in Visual Studio 2008. But in g++, I get an error expected ‘)’ before string constant

I tried a few things like doing:

#define TEMP __FUNCTION__ 
#define FUNC_PREFIX TEMP "() :" 

but to no avail.

What is the way to go about doing this?

like image 920
sskanitk Avatar asked Oct 02 '12 20:10


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2 Answers

__FUNCTION__ is not a macro in either standard C or standard C++.

Both C++ 2011 (§8.4 Function definitions, and §8.4.1 In general) and C 1999 or 2011 have a pre-defined identifier __func__ which is the name of the function. It is not a macro, so you would not be able to concatenate a string with it in the preprocessor.

So, you will have to revise your code if it is to work with standard-compliant C or C++ compilers that do not support the MSVS extension.

GCC manual (for version 4.6.1) has section §6.47 Function names as strings. It documents that __FUNCTION__ is a synonym for __func__. It also discusses __PRETTY_FUNCTION__. These are not preprocessor macros. So, you will have to adapt your code to work correctly with gcc or g++.

like image 131
Jonathan Leffler Avatar answered Nov 05 '22 09:11

Jonathan Leffler

Your printf is missing a quote. Use identifier __func__ and you can print two strings if you define the macro as:

#define FUNC_PREFIX __func__,"() :"

int main()
    printf("%s %s\n", FUNC_PREFIX);
    return 0;
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P.P Avatar answered Nov 05 '22 10:11