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Append html to jQuery element without running scripts inside the html

I have written some code that takes a string of html and cleans away any ugly HTML from it using jQuery (see an early prototype in this SO question). It works pretty well, but I stumbled on an issue:

When using .append() to wrap the html in a div, all script elements in the code are evaluated and run (see this SO answer for an explanation why this happens). I don't want this, I really just want them to be removed, but I can handle that later myself as long as they are not run.

I am using this code:

var wrapper = $('<div/>').append($(html));

I tried to do it this way instead:

var wrapper = $('<div>' + html + '</div>');

But that just brings forth the "Access denied" error in IE that the append() function fixes (see the answer I referenced above).

I think I might be able to rewrite my code to not require a wrapper around the html, but I am not sure, and I'd like to know if it is possible to append html without running scripts in it, anyway.

My questions:

  • How do I wrap a piece of unknown html without running scripts inside it, preferably removing them altogether?

  • Should I throw jQuery out the window and do this with plain JavaScript and DOM manipulation instead? Would that help?

What I am not trying to do:

I am not trying to put some kind of security layer on the client side. I am very much aware that it would be pointless.

Update: James' suggestion

James suggested that I should filter out the script elements, but look at these two examples (the original first and the James' suggestion):

jQuery("<p/>").append("<br/>hello<script type='text/javascript'>console.log('gnu!'); </script>there")

keeps the text nodes but writes gnu!

jQuery("<p/>").append(jQuery("<br/>hello<script type='text/javascript'>console.log('gnu!'); </script>there").not('script'))`

Doesn't write gnu!, but also loses the text nodes.

Update 2:

James has updated his answer and I have accepted it. See my latest comment to his answer, though.

like image 535
Peter Jaric Avatar asked Apr 05 '11 10:04

Peter Jaric

1 Answers

How about removing the scripts first?

var wrapper = $('<div/>').append($(html).not('script'));

  • Create the div container
  • Use plain JS to put html into div
  • Remove all script elements in the div

Assuming script elements in the html are not nested in other elements:

var wrapper = document.createElement('div');
wrapper.innerHTML = html;

var wrapper = document.createElement('div');
wrapper.innerHTML = html;

This works for the case where html is just text and where html has text outside any elements.

like image 173
James An Avatar answered Sep 20 '22 08:09

James An