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Append child in the middle

I would like to add an element to an XML file using minidom from python. Let's assume i have the following xml file


in this case i can easily append an element "node-4" as follow

node4 = designDOM.createElement('node-4')

resulting with the following xml:


my questrion is: if I would like to force the insertion of an element in a specific position instead of in the end... what should i do? for instance if i want an element "2-a" as in the following xml what shold i do?

like image 335
Stefano Avatar asked Sep 30 '22 23:09


1 Answers

You can use insertBefore():

import xml.dom.minidom

data = """<node-a>

dom = xml.dom.minidom.parseString(data)
node_a = dom.getElementsByTagName('node-a')[0]

node_4 = dom.createElement('node-4')

node_3 = dom.getElementsByTagName('node-3')[0]
node2_a = dom.createElement('node-2a')
node_a.insertBefore(node2_a, node_3)

print dom.toprettyxml()


like image 145
alecxe Avatar answered Oct 13 '22 11:10
