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AppCode + swift - no code completion and no quick documentation

Do anyone know how to enable code completion and quick documentation in AppCode(3.1.1) for swift? I have updated Xcode I've downloaded documentation in Xcode preferences. I set correct path to Xcode in my AppCode but still I got no support in AppCode regarding to completion and quick documentation. This support is in XCode but I am java dev so for me better thing is to use Jetbrains tool instead of using Apple one.

Project that I've opened in AppCode was created in XCode. I've downloaded this documentation in XCode. enter image description here

I've searched a lot in the net but there are only slogans about features of AppCode

can do that this, is doing this and that

Only one thing related to path to XCode I found in this property enter image description here

but none of those I can see... I believe that I haven't enabled it yet.

For me AppCode is more user friently tool because like I said I am used to Intellij for Java development and I am trying to use this tool because it is quicker for me to work with sth that I've used to than sth that is completly new for me(conceptually - XCode).

Do you have any advices about that?

like image 980
RMachnik Avatar asked Jan 03 '15 10:01


1 Answers

I asked my quesetion to AppCode support. They responded:

Rafal, Your configuration seems correct. Please see comments below: 1) regarding code completion in Swift - we have part of work done in that area, and part of tasks still in progress. Can you share a code snippet where you experience issues with completion? 2) regarding quick documentation - this feature is not yet ready for Swift. You can track its progress here.

This mean that I can not expect from AppCode features that was advertised in terms of swift language.

like image 54
RMachnik Avatar answered Nov 02 '22 14:11
