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Appcode - Select Current File

In Xcode I can press Shift-Cmd-J to select the current file on the left.

Is there a shortcut that does the same in Appcode?

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Gaurav Sharma Avatar asked Jan 11 '23 12:01

Gaurav Sharma

2 Answers

The closest equivalent (as far as I know) is the "Select in..." command. The standard shortcut is F1, but you can change that in the Keymap settings.

It requires an additional to select the current file in the project navigator (you can also reveal it in the Finder or structure view this way), so it isn't exactly the same.

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omz Avatar answered Jan 19 '23 01:01


⌥-F1 then press ENTER will do this for you.

It will just bring up a menu but by hitting enter you are selecting the default option.

There is an app I use called cheat sheet which is handy for this kind of thing.

Cheat Sheet - hold down ⌘ and it shows all keyboard shortcuts for the app you're currently in.

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Fogmeister Avatar answered Jan 19 '23 01:01
