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App Store Expedite Criteria




We submitted an app to the App Store after 2 months of testing and found that if a Facebook profile does not have a current location value, that the information returned from Facebook is null not blank (just something we never tested as all of our testers had locations entered - just a miss on our part).

This is causing our application to CRASH upon login. We submitted a 2.0.1 version that fixed this with an expedite request and we received this from Apple ???? (My question is.. what does the criteria for expediting a review if its not to fix a login crash of your app?)

From Apple: (and of course from [email protected]) so I can't ask them.

Thank you for contacting us requesting an expedited review for your app, Slimgage.

While we do our best to accommodate requests for expedited reviews, unfortunately we cannot grant your request at this time as it does not meet the criteria for expediting a review.

Helping you get your app or update onto the App Store is very important to us, and we are working hard to process all submissions as quickly as possible. We thank you for your understanding.

Best Regards,

App Review Team

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justdan0227 Avatar asked Oct 29 '12 15:10


People also ask

How do I expedite Apple app review?

How to Make a Request. Requesting an Expedited App Review is simple; sign into your Apple Developer account and click request an expedited review. From there the process is quite similar to that of a normal review request, only you'll have to provide a reason for expediting your review.

Is it hard to get approved for App Store?

Average App Store approval times are around two days. But in reality, most apps are approved much sooner (usually within a day or less). The key is to stay patient because it's impossible to know whether your app will be approved within hours or weeks.

Does Apple review apps 24 hours a day?

Review times may vary by app. On average, 50% of apps are reviewed in 24 hours and over 90% are reviewed in 48 hours. If your submission is incomplete, review times may be further delayed or your app may be rejected. Once your app has been reviewed, its status will be updated and you will be notified.

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Use your cellular network Consider using your cellular network and see if you can download your apps. If successful, then it means there is something wrong with the Wi-Fi network you are connected to. Try troubleshooting the Wi-Fi if you can. Alternatively, consult a network pro.

2 Answers

The expedited reviews is a process based on a queue, just like the standard review. However, you can move “up” the queue with the reason you provide for expedite, or if your app is currently being promoted at the App Store.

e.g. if you just “need it fast” and don’t have a real issue/bug to fix you may be less important to review at the moment.

however, there are some ways you can perhaps skip the process completely, or at least not be in the stress of time constraints your app is being damaged. You can use rollout.io for this - an SDK which allows you to solve quality issues in production instantly, and is fully compliant with Apple's guidelines. (Disclaimer: I'm on of the team on Rollout.io)

You’ll be able to contain the issue, and not wait around for the expedited review to happen.

hope this helps! Eido, Rollout.io

P.S This site shows the average approval time on Apple's app store (regular submitting process) - http://appreviewtimes.com/

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Eido Gat Avatar answered Sep 23 '22 17:09

Eido Gat

While this is a rotten place to be, from Apple's point of view, this isn't critical. If your update fixed an issue that was causing user data loss, then they might accept the expedited review. But a simple crash for some users isn't critical to them. I know it is to you and users. But if Apple granted an expedited review for every update that simply fixed a crash then there would be nothing but expedited reviews.

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rmaddy Avatar answered Sep 26 '22 17:09
