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App Code arch already exists in fat dylib




I am getting the following error arch already exists in fat dylib a good number of times when trying to build my project in app code. The project was running fine then out of the blue this error came up.

I am running App Code version 2.5.4.

I have tried restarting App Code, cleaning and rebuilding, and a numerous amount of other things.

I saw the thread on this "arch already exists in fat dylib" in build log but when I cannot find the Developer folder it speaks of, and believe it has been removed in newer versions of app code.

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ocross Avatar asked Feb 13 '23 13:02


1 Answers

I figured out after a couple hours of fiddling that this was caused when Xcode auto-updated to 5.1. To relieve this error I simply had to restart my computer, open the project in Xcode and compile it, then return to App Code and the errors disappeared.

Hope this will save someone the hassel of figuring out the issue and solution.

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ocross Avatar answered Feb 16 '23 04:02
