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Apollo (GraphQL) fetch more than one element in a query

Can I fetch more than one element in a GraphQL query? I have many products list data and I want to fetch, for example, three products in my component. I have an array of needed product IDs, can I pass it to query? This is my query for one product:

query ProductInCartQuery($id: ID!){
  Product(id: $id) { 

But I don't think I can just put it in a function and execute it for example three times for three products.

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Alan Wołejko Avatar asked Jun 08 '17 12:06

Alan Wołejko

People also ask

How do you pass two arguments in GraphQL query?

Multiple arguments can be used together in the same query. For example, you can use the where argument to filter the results and then use the order_by argument to sort them.

How do I get data from a GraphQL query?

You can fetch data very simply with the help of the package graphql-request . GraphQL Request is a library that doesn't require you to set up a client or a Provider component. It is essentially a function that just accepts an endpoint and a query.

Can GraphQL schema have multiple queries?

The multiple queries are executed in the same requested order. ✳️ Note: This is different from query batching, in which the GraphQL server also executes multiple queries in a single request, but those queries are merely executed one after the other, independently from each other. This feature improves performance.

How do you create a nested query in GraphQL?

When setting up a field whose value is a custom type, we have to define a function that tells GraphQL how to get that custom type. In our case, we want to tell GraphQL how to get the posts if we have the author. We do that by defining a new root property inside resolvers.

2 Answers

It's common and very useful to offer two kind of queries for every type you have:

  1. a query to fetch a single node with an id or other unique fields, that's in your case Product (you already have this).

  2. a query to fetch many nodes depending on different filter conditions, let's call it allProducts.

Then you have two options to fetch multiple products in one query.

First, you can use the Product query multiple times and use GraphQL Aliases to avoid a name clash in the response data:

query ProductInCartQuery($firstId: ID!, $secondId: ID!){
  firstProduct: Product(id: $firstId) { 
    ... ProductInfo

  secondProduct: Product(id: $secondId) { 
    ... ProductInfo

  fragment ProductInfo on Product {

You could build this query string dynamically depending on the ids you want to query. However, it's probably best to use the allProducts query with the necessary filter setup if the number of differents ids is dynamic:

query filteredProducts($ids: [ID!]!) {
  allProducts(filter: {
    id_in: $ids
  }) {
    ... ProductInfo

fragment ProductInfo on Product {

You can try it out yourself in this GraphQL Playground I prepared for you. More background information can be found in this article.

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marktani Avatar answered Oct 14 '22 06:10


For adding the product ids to the query you could define a input type. See the cheat sheet.

So the query on the client could look like:

query ProductsInCartQuery($productIds: ProductIds!) {
  Products(productIds: $productIds) {

On the server you define the schema with the input type as follows:

input ProductIds {
  ids: [ID!]

type Query {
  Products(productIds: ProductIds!) {

schema {
  query: Query
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Locco0_0 Avatar answered Oct 14 '22 07:10
