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API gateway/proxy pattern for microservices deployed using Azure Service Fabric

After watching the BUILD conference videos for Azure Service Fabric, I'm left imagining how this might be a good fit for our current microservice-based architecture. There is one thing I'm not entirely sure how I would go about solving, however - the API gateway/proxy.

Consider a less-than-trivial microservice architecture where you have N number of services running within the Azure Service Fabric exposing REST endpoints. In many situations, you want to package these fragmented API endpoints up into a single-entry API for consumers to use, to avoid having them connecting to the service fabric-instances directly. The Azure Service Fabric solution seems so complete in every way that I'm sort of wondering if I missed something obvious when I don't see a way to trivially solve this within the capabilities mentioned during the BUILD talks.

Services like Vulcan aim to solve this problem by having the services register the paths they want routed to them in etcd. I'm guessing one way of solving this may be to create a separate stateful web service that other services can register themselves with, providing service name and the paths they need routed to them. The stateful web service can then route traffic to the correct instance based on its state. This doesn't seem entirely ideal, though, with stuff like removing routes when applications are removed and generally keeping the state in sync with the services deployed within the cluster. Has anybody given this any thought, or have any ideas how one might go about solving this within Azure Service Fabric?

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Trond Nordheim Avatar asked May 01 '15 23:05

Trond Nordheim

People also ask

Is service fabric an API gateway?

In Service Fabric, a gateway can be any stateless service designed for traffic ingress such as an ASP.NET Core application, Event Hubs, IoT Hub, or Azure API Management. This article shows you how to set up Azure API Management with Service Fabric to route traffic to a back-end service in Service Fabric.

What are used to develop Microservice based applications in service fabric?

Azure Service Fabric is Microsoft's platform-as-a-service (PaaS) and is used to build and deploy microservices-based cloud applications.

What helps microservices running in service fabric cluster discover and communicate with other services that have HTTP endpoints?

Reverse proxy built into Azure Service Fabric helps microservices running in a Service Fabric cluster discover and communicate with other services that have http endpoints.

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Service Fabric provides an infrastructure to build, deploy, and upgrade microservices efficiently. It also provides options for auto scaling, managing state, monitoring health, and restarting services in case of failure.

2 Answers

The service registration/discoverability you need to do this is actually already there. There's a stateful system service called the Naming Service, which is basically a registrar of service instances and the endpoints they're listening on. So when you start up a service - either stateless or stateful - and open some listener on it, the address gets registered with the Naming Service.

Now the part you'd need to fill in is the "gateway" that users interact with. This doesn't have to be stateful because the Naming Service manages the stateful part. But you'd have to come up with an addressing scheme that works for you, and then it would just forward requests along to the right place. Basically something like this:

  1. Receive request.
  2. Use NS to find the service that can take the request.
  3. Forward the request to it and the response back to the user.
  4. If the service doesn't exist anymore, 404.

In general we don't like to dictate anything about how your services talk to each other, but we are thinking of ways to solve this problem for HTTP as a complete built-in solution.

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Vaclav Turecek Avatar answered Sep 20 '22 18:09

Vaclav Turecek

We implemented a HTTP gateway service for this purpose as well. To make sure we can have one HTTP gateway for any internal protocol, we implemented the gateway for HTTP based internal services (like ASP.NET WebAPIs) using an ASP.NET 5 middleware. It routes requests from e.g /service to an internal Service Fabric address like fabric:/myapp/myservice by using the ServicePartitionClient and some retry logic from CommunicationClientFactoryBase.

We open-sourced this middleware and you can find it here: https://github.com/c3-ls/ServiceFabric-HttpServiceGateway

There's also some more documentation in the wiki of the project.

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Christian Weiss Avatar answered Sep 20 '22 18:09

Christian Weiss