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API Gateway possible to pass API key in url instead of in the header?

To access AWS API Gateway using the aws generated "API KEY", one must pass they key as a 'x-api-key' header. I know you can do this by 'curl', 'wget', postman and programmatically.

Question: Is there any way the key can be passed as part of a url so that folks who do not have curl/wget/postman etc can call it using just the browser? In other words, is there a way to create a url such as following to perform api-key auth?




I didn't see any way to do this in the official docs or after searching the web. I also tried various combinations unsuccessfully.

like image 279
sky Avatar asked Aug 25 '16 21:08


People also ask

Is it safe to pass API key in URL?

API keys aren't as secure as authentication tokens (see Security of API keys), but they identify the application or project that's calling an API. They are generated on the project making the call, and you can restrict their use to an environment such as an IP address range, or an Android or iOS app.

Where do I put API key in URL?

But for the purposes of this guide, you'll include an API key in a URL that you'll use in your JavaScript code on the front end.

Can API gateway route based on header?

Currently, The API Gateway does not have header or body based Routing capabilities.

2 Answers

The API key may not be passed in the URL. This is by design. If the API key were in the URL, then anything which can see the URL could trivially capture the API key and use it to gain unauthorized access to the API. The would include users looking at the address bar and in some cases other script code running in the browser.

like image 194
MikeD at AWS Avatar answered Nov 12 '22 22:11

MikeD at AWS

There are a few things to address in this question so I'll break them out an answer them one-by-one:

API calls with Excel

Excel has a few different ways to fetch API data: Excel Web Queries, VB Script + Libraries, and Get and Transform (formerly called Power Query) each with its own eccentricities.

Get and Transform

Get and Transform will let you do things like add headers, use POST requests and parse JSON but is, as of the time of this writing (Jan 2020) only available on Windows and is quite frustrating to use. It also requires that manipulations are done inside of the Excel document which can be difficult to modify if copies have been made.


In addition to requiring a different type of Excel sheet, HTTP/s calls need to be made with a system library. In Windows, this may be available but in OSX, you'll need to link to a local copy of curl which is a convenient hack but should never leave a developer machine.

Excel Web Queries

Excel Web Queries have been around for a very long time and allow you to give Excel a URL to fetch data from. You cannot change headers, make a POST request or manipulate the data in flight but it'll work for all Excel users.

Security of long-lived tokens in an URL

Yes, sending your long-lived credentials in plaintext is insecure. However, now that DNS over HTTPS is becoming more common with browsers like Firefox and Chrome looking to turn it on by default, this may not be an issue forever.

Using API Gateway to authorize with tokens in a URL

While trying to figure this out, I ran across a dozen or so posts saying that this was not possible. When API Gateway first came out, this was true and the position of the AWS team was that, due to security, it was not something they wanted to support. Now, however, not only is it possible, but it's also one of the available options when using the AWS console to create a custom authorizer.


module.exports = function urlTokenAuthorizer(event, context, callback) {
  callback(null, {
    principalId: "excel",
    usageIdentifierKey: event.queryStringParameters["apikey"],
    policyDocument: {
      Version: "2012-10-17",
      Statement: [
          Action: "execute-api:Invoke",
          Effect: "Allow",
          Resource: event.methodArn

serverless config

service: serverless-secured-api

  name: aws
  runtime: nodejs12.x
  # The serverless framework will automatically create a usage plan and 
  # associate the key with it. If you're not using serverless, make sure you
  # have created a usage plan for your API and that the key is attached. 
  # Otherwise, you will get { message: forbidden } 
    - my-key
  # According to the AWS docs on Lambda Authorizers, "If the API uses a usage
  # plan (the apiKeySource is set to AUTHORIZER), the Lambda authorizer
  # function must return one of the usage plan's API keys as the
  # usageIdentifierKey property value."
  # I did not find that to be true, for some reason. When you add an `apiKey`
  # in serverless, it creates a usage plan and assiciates it with that plan.
  # No matter what I did, nothing worked until I forced the apiKeySourceType
  # to AUTHORIZER. Without this line, every request will return:
  # { message: Forbidden }
  # https://docs.aws.amazon.com/apigateway/latest/developerguide/api-gateway-lambda-authorizer-output.html
    apiKeySourceType: AUTHORIZER

    handler: handler.urlTokenAuthorizer
    handler: handler.getMedications
      - http:
          path: get-medications
          method: GET
          private: true
            name: urlTokenAuthorizer
            resultTtlInSeconds: 0
            # Configure your authorizer to look in the querystring for the key.
            # If it does not find a value here, the authorizer will not fire.
            identitySource: method.request.querystring.apikey
            # The default type is token which won't return information about 
            # the request. You can read more about token vs request authorizers
            # in the AWS docs here. 
            # https://docs.aws.amazon.com/apigateway/latest/developerguide/api-gateway-lambda-authorizer-input.html
            type: request
like image 41
Baer Avatar answered Nov 12 '22 21:11
