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API call using Ansible uri module

I am trying to use the Ansible uri module to communicate with DeployHQ's API.

Here is the example DeployHQ's documentation that I am trying to use from Ansible:

curl -H "Content-type: application/json" \
-H "Accept: application/json" \
--user [email protected]:my-api-key \
-d '{"deployment":{ "parent_identifier":"7563d091-ca73-588e-cfe2- e4936f190145", \
  "start_revision" : "e84b5937f1132932dd56026db26a76f406555c19", \
  "end_revision" : "e84b5937f1132932dd56026db26a76f406555c19", \
  "mode" : "queue", \
  "copy_config_files" : 1, \
  "email_notify" : 1 \
}}' http://test.deployhq.com/projects/project/deployments/

This is how I am sending it via Ansible:

- uri:
    url: https://cepr.deployhq.com/projects/cepr-live/servers
    user: [email protected]:secret_api_key
    body_format: json
    method: GET
      Content-Type: application/json
      Accept: application/json
      parent_identifier: id
      start_revision: my_start_rev
      end_revision: my_end_rev
      mode: queue
      copy_config_files: 1
      email_notify: 1
    return_content: yes

The issue is that I am getting a 403 response back (access denied), so it is something to do with passing them the --user parameters. I have no issue at all sending the cURL request from the cli, so the user creds passed in --user are correct. DeployHQ can see from their logs that the json request looks correct but it not authenticated (obviously they cannot view the headers for security reasons).

It must be simple but I have spent all afternoon and tried many combinations of user: (including and user: and password: for the api key) - in the body: and out of the body: (as above). DeployHQ support say they use basic http_auth and so I have tried these combinations with the parameter:

force_basic_auth: yes

I have also tried passing the --user in the url. No luck at all.

Has anyone else done this?!


- uri:
    url: https://cepr.deployhq.com/projects/cepr-live/servers
    user: [email protected]
    password: secret_api_key
    force_basic_auth: yes

All on the same level.. Many thanks for comments making me go back to to password field.

like image 546
ChumKui Avatar asked Oct 16 '22 16:10


1 Answers

According to the ansible uri documentation, there is also a password field. It also looks like user is supposed to be only the username. Did you try something like:

- uri:
    url: https://cepr.deployhq.com/projects/cepr-live/servers
    user: [email protected]
    password: secret_api_key
    body_format: json
    method: GET
      Content-Type: application/json
      Accept: application/json
      parent_identifier: id
      start_revision: my_start_rev
      end_revision: my_end_rev
      mode: queue
      copy_config_files: 1
      email_notify: 1
    return_content: yes
like image 52
user Avatar answered Oct 21 '22 06:10
