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API access to Google Home Shopping List (shoppinglist.google.com)?

The Google Home assistant has a default feature called Shopping List, that lets you keep a shopping list using the Google Assistant. Using the web UI it is possible to create named lists, share them with others, check items etc.

I have searched for this unsuccessfully: is there any way to access these features or just access the shopping list data through an API, getting user permission using OAuth? Any docs, samples?

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Maarten Avatar asked Aug 24 '17 15:08


People also ask

Does Google Shopping have an API?

You can use the Content API for Shopping to automate Google Merchant Center account management. Here are some things you can do with the Content API for Shopping: Upload products. Manage inventory.

How do I access my Google shopping list on my computer?

To access your shopping list from a computer, go to google.com/express and click on the list icon to the left of the shopping cart icon. You can also find it on mobile by opening either the Google Home or Google Express apps, tapping the hamburger button in the top left to expand the menu and selecting Shopping List.

2 Answers

Unfortunately at this time there's no API for Google Shopping (or for Google Keep, which is fairly similar)

Is there a Google Keep API?

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domdomegg Avatar answered Sep 22 '22 02:09


Also looking for the same. Have been browsing around with no results. Wrote them feedback but I doubt that they will do anything as the page seems so empty...

Although I found that Amazon Alexa has all the needed documentation to access shopping lists and todo lists: https://developer.amazon.com/docs/custom-skills/access-the-alexa-shopping-and-to-do-lists.html

I think its shamefull for me, just this weekend I already gave up of using Google TTS and started using (Amazon) AWS Polly for the simplicity of installation and use, and now it seems Google has no API for shopping list while Alexa does... I guess its time to sell my Google Home

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Vasco Baptista Avatar answered Sep 21 '22 02:09

Vasco Baptista