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Apache won't start after my Windows 10 upgrade




I upgraded from Windows 7 to Windows 10. In the Bitnami stack, MySQL is running, but I cannot start Apache as a service when Windows boots up. I have tried using the Manager Tool. I have tried many things, including: changed the Listen port and ServerName to 8888 and later to 8118, turned off Windows Defender, looked at files in Apache's logs directory and errors directory (and found no entries), pressed the Launch Bitnami Webstack button (and just got an empty tab). I have Restarted Windows 10 after each change.

The Application Log in the Manager Tool says: Starting Apache Web Server... Exit code: 1 Stdout:

Stderr: Unable to start apache

How do I get Apache to start in Windows10? Is there some setting in Windows 10 that is critical to allow Apache to function?

like image 356
Mike_Laird Avatar asked Mar 15 '23 05:03


1 Answers

This is probably because the IIS World Wide Web Publishing Service is running.

You have to go to start/Execute and write services.msc Image

Right click it and stop it.

Now you should be able to run Apache. You can also disable the start when you right click the service/Propierties

like image 52
Talan Avatar answered Apr 28 '23 04:04
