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Apache vs Twisted

I know Twisted is a framework that allows you to do asynchronous non-blocking i/o but I still do not understand how that is different from what Apache server does. If anyone could explain the need for twisted, I would appreciate it..

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fanar Avatar asked Sep 11 '09 13:09


3 Answers

Twisted is a platform for developing internet applications, for handling the underlying communications and such. It doesn't "do" anything out of the box--you've got to program it.

Apache is an internet application, of sorts. Upon install, you have a working web server which can serve up static and dynamic web pages. Beyond that, it can be extended to do more than that, if you wish.

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ewall Avatar answered Sep 19 '22 18:09


They are two different things, one is a pure WEB server and one is a WEB framework with a builtin event driven servers.

Twisted is good for constructing high-end ad-hoc network services.

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Chmouel Boudjnah Avatar answered Sep 22 '22 18:09

Chmouel Boudjnah

FYI, FriendFeed/Facebook just open sourced their custom server and framework: Tornado. Matt Heitzenroder of Apparatus has run an initial comparison test and looks like Tornado left twisted in the dust.

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alphazero Avatar answered Sep 19 '22 18:09
