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Apache spark rest API

I'm using the spark-submit command I have for the log4j properties to invoke a Spark-submit like this:

/opt/spark-1.6.2-bin-hadoop2.6/bin/spark-submit \
--driver-java-options \
"-Dlog4j.configuration=file:/home/test_api/log4j-driver.properties\ --class Test testing.jar

How do I do --driver-java-options, to submit a job via curl (Apache Spark's Hidden REST API)?

I tried this:

curl -X POST http://host-ip:6066/v1/submissions/create --header "Content-Type:application/json;charset=UTF-8" --data '{
"action" : "CreateSubmissionRequest",
"appArgs" : [ "" ],
"appResource" : "hdfs://host-ip:9000/test/testing.jar",
"clientSparkVersion" : "1.6.2",
"environmentVariables" : {
"mainClass" : "Test",
"spark.driver.extraJavaOptions" : "-Dlog4j.configuration=file:/home/test_api/log4j-driver.properties",
"sparkProperties" : {
"spark.jars" : "hdfs://host-ip:9000/test/testing.jar",
"spark.app.name" : "Test",
"spark.eventLog.enabled": "true",
"spark.eventLog.dir": "hdfs://host-ip:9000/test/spark-events",
"spark.submit.deployMode" : "cluster",
"spark.master" : "spark://host-ip:7077"

Job submitted successfully and response was given, but with one uknownField:

  "action" : "CreateSubmissionResponse",
  "message" : "Driver successfully submitted as driver-20160810210057-0091",
  "serverSparkVersion" : "1.6.2",
  "submissionId" : "driver-20160810210057-0091",
  "success" : true,
  "unknownFields" : [ "spark.driver.extraJavaOptions" ]

"unknownFields" : [ "spark.driver.extraJavaOptions" ]

I have also tried driverExtraJavaOptions as follows:

curl -X POST http://host-ip:6066/v1/submissions/create --header "Content-Type:application/json;charset=UTF-8" --data '{
"action" : "CreateSubmissionRequest",
"appArgs" : [ "" ],
"appResource" : "hdfs://host-ip:9000/test/testing.jar",
"clientSparkVersion" : "1.6.2",
"environmentVariables" : {
"mainClass" : "Test",
"driverExtraJavaOptions" : "-Dlog4j.configuration=file:/home/test_api/log4j-driver.properties",
"sparkProperties" : {
"spark.jars" : "hdfs://host-ip:9000/test/testing.jar",
"spark.app.name" : "Test",
"spark.eventLog.enabled": "true",
"spark.eventLog.dir": "hdfs://host-ip:9000/test/spark-events",
"spark.submit.deployMode" : "cluster",
"spark.master" : "spark://host-ip:7077"

But got a similar response:

  "action" : "CreateSubmissionResponse",
  "message" : "Driver successfully submitted as driver-20160810211432-0094",
  "serverSparkVersion" : "1.6.2",
  "submissionId" : "driver-20160810211432-0094",
  "success" : true,
  "unknownFields" : [ "driverExtraJavaOptions" ]

Why is this?
I looked at spark-submit.scala and referenced the Spark REST API

like image 888
Filmon Gebreyesus Avatar asked Oct 30 '22 22:10

Filmon Gebreyesus

1 Answers

It works now putting Dlog4j.configuration=file:/// (/// path for local file) and putting spark.driver.extraJavaOptions inside sparkProperties

curl -X POST http://host-ip:6066/v1/submissions/create --header "Content-Type:application/json;charset=UTF-8" --data '{
"action" : "CreateSubmissionRequest",
"appArgs" : [ "" ],
"appResource" : "hdfs://host-ip:9000/test/testing.jar",
"clientSparkVersion" : "1.6.2",
"environmentVariables" : {
"mainClass" : "Test",
"sparkProperties" : {
"spark.jars" : "hdfs://host-ip:9000/test/testing.jar",
"spark.driver.extraJavaOptions" : "-Dlog4j.configuration=file:///home/log4j-driver.properties",
"spark.app.name" : "Test",
"spark.eventLog.enabled": "true",
"spark.eventLog.dir": "hdfs://host-ip:9000/test/spark-events",
"spark.submit.deployMode" : "client",
"spark.master" : "spark://host-ip:7077"
like image 101
Filmon Gebreyesus Avatar answered Nov 15 '22 08:11

Filmon Gebreyesus