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Apache installation; libpcre error




When installing Apache on Ubuntu 11.10, I get the following error:

configure: error: APR not found. Please read the documentation.

I followed the instructions here, then, I get the error below:

configure: error: pcre-config for libpcre not found. PCRE is required and available from http://pcre.org/

What am I doing wrong and how can I resolve it?

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Myjab Avatar asked May 19 '12 07:05


3 Answers

1. Download PCRE from PCRE.org

2. Compile it with a prefix and install it:

./configure --prefix=/usr/local/pcre
make install

3. Go back to where your Apache installation is and compile Apache with PCRE:

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WoooHaaaa Avatar answered Oct 08 '22 04:10



In a clean installation of Debian 9.5, during the installation of Apache it is necessary to have some packages and libraries to avoid errors. Next I show the type of error and its respective solution


  • configure: error: no acceptable C compiler found in $PATH

    $ sudo apt-get install build-essential

  • configure: error: pcre-config for libpcre not found. PCRE is required and available from http://pcre.org/

    $ sudo apt-get install libpcre3-dev

Then I make the configuration indicating that it is installed in the path /usr/local and not in /usr/local/apache2, otherwise I will have library errors. The idea is that the libraries created for httpd end in /usr/local/lib so that the dynamic linker knows them.

$ configure --prefix /usr/local


And for the compilation the following the installation of some packages also would avoid us errors in a clean installation of Debian.

  • xml/apr_xml.c:35:19: fatal error: expat.h: No such file or directory.

    $ sudo apt-get install libexpat1-dev.

It is recommended to use the -j3 parameter to make the compilation faster. Although it could also be ignored.

$ make -j3
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Braian Coronel Avatar answered Oct 08 '22 04:10

Braian Coronel

For me (Fedora Linux), it was enough to just install the pcre-devel: yum install -y pcre-devel. Didn't even have to use --with-pcre afterwards.

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emboss Avatar answered Oct 08 '22 04:10
