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anyway to install mvccontrib.testhelper with nuget

I have installed mvccontrib using nuget with the usual install-package mvccontrib, but i notice there is no testhelper there. Is there some other way or flag that i have to use to install it.

Trying install-package mvccontrib.testhelper doesn't work...

Any ideas gladly received

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paddymurf Avatar asked Jan 13 '11 10:01


1 Answers

You can use the nuget gallery http://nuget.org to search for packages. http://nuget.org/packages?q=MvcContrib&sortOrder=package-download-count

I only see the ci build of the testhelper on nuget. You might want to contact the owner of mvccontrib on getting the official package on nuget.

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davidfowl Avatar answered Oct 13 '22 19:10
