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Anyone have issues with Eclipse over Remote Desktop Connection?

I have a very strange issue that I'm hoping someone can help me with. I have various installations of Eclipse on my development machine at work. The one I primarily use is Weblogic WorkSpace Studio 10.2. This installation, along with a few Pulse installations I have set up works fine when I'm logged into my computer physically.

However, when I try to log into the computer using Microsoft's Remote Desktop Connection utility I get an error stating: "Could not create Java virtual machine." and then I get the lovely Eclipse error box which I personally can gather almost nothing from.

Even if you don't have the solution, any help would be greatly appreciated.


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jnt30 Avatar asked Sep 11 '09 16:09


People also ask

How do I fix remote desktop connection error?

To work around this problem, follow these steps: Click Start, click Run, type gpedit. msc, and then click OK. Expand Computer Configuration, expand Administrative Templates, expand Windows Components, expand Remote Desktop Services, expand Remote Desktop Session Host, and then click Connections.

Why does my Remote Desktop keep losing connection?

This problem may be caused by the session time limit setting. Policy settings in this node control time limits for Remote Desktop Services sessions on a Remote Desktop Session Host server. To stop Remote Desktop connection from disconnecting, you can change Policy settings.

How do I fix remote desktop connection not working outside network?

Go to the Start menu and type “Allow Remote Desktop Connections.” Look for an option called “Change settings to allow remote connections to this computer.” Click on the “Show settings” link right next to it. Check the “Allow Remote Assistance Connections to this Computer.” Click Apply and OK.

2 Answers

What ended up working for me was the memory settings for the JVM. Apparently the remote desktop connection, or some other setting in Windows, blocks off a fairly large amount of space. By reducing the heap size allocation for the JVM during Eclipse and server start-up I was able to get this working. As a side note, I had PLENTY of space that windows could have used, so I don't think blankly adding more memory would necessarily solve the issue. If you find another solution, please let me know.

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jnt30 Avatar answered Sep 29 '22 02:09


• We came across an issue when user RDC’s to a remote system where the OS is Windows 10 and has a running Eclipse instance, the Eclipse instance terminates

• Eclipse is one of the IDE’s for Java

• The issue is because of Windows 10 Exploit protection

• Pre-requisite: You will need Administrative permissions for executing the below

• Navigate to Settings -> Update & Security -> Windows Security -> App & Browser Control -> Exploit Protection Settings

• Add the program to exclude as below



P.s. As of Window 10 1909 MS security advisory mentions we can disable some exploit protections by default.

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tushar_lokare Avatar answered Sep 29 '22 00:09
