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Any workarounds for the PHP fgetcsv bug where whitespace is trimmed?




Given the following string of CSV data (I am unable to ensure the fields are quoted)

AB,CD,   EF,GH,   IJ

and PHP code of:

$arr = fgetcsv($f);

(assuming $f is a valid file-pointer reading a file containing the above text) - one would expect this result:

Array('AB', 'CD', '   EF', 'GH', '   IJ');

when in fact you get:

Array('AB', 'CD', 'EF', 'GH', 'IJ');

This is problematic if you need positional context within that field.

Any workarounds of still being able to take advantage of fgetcsv, but ensuring that whitespace is not lost?

The bug is reported here: http://bugs.php.net/bug.php?id=53848

like image 324
drowe Avatar asked Apr 20 '11 22:04


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1 Answers

Oooops. S**t.
I accidently already wrote a function which doesn't strip the spaces:

function str_getcsv2($line, $del=",", $q='"', $esc="\\") {
    $line = rtrim($line, "\r\n");
    preg_match_all("/\G ([^$q$del]*) $del | $q(( [$esc$esc][$q]|[^$q]* )+)$q $del /xms", "$line,", $r);
    foreach ($r[1] as $i=>$v) {  // merge both captures
        if (empty($v) && strlen($r[2][$i])) {
            $r[1][$i] = str_replace("$esc$q", "$q", $r[2][$i]);  // remove escape character

Use it like:

$arr = str_getcsv2(fgets($f));
like image 73
mario Avatar answered Oct 23 '22 21:10
